Explanation of Fees

The following expenses are required for all students. Tuition and Student Services Fee are included in The Warrior Guarantee. Other fees will be assessed based on specific circumstances.


Tuition for undergraduate and graduate students varies by semester credit hour (SCH) based on the tuition and fee plan selected by the student. See the “Expenses” section for more information about the available tuition and fee plans. Tuition also varies per SCH based on residency. See "Determination of Residence for Tuition Purposes” in this section for more information.

Student Services Fee

This fee supports student services at A&M–Central Texas. The fee is charged by SCH up to the maximum amount of $250.00 per semester.

Student Health Fee

The amount charged per each semester is $35.00 for fall and spring and $25.00 for summer.

Recreational Sports Fee

The recreational sports fee funds recreational and wellness initiatives and programs for students. The fee of $50 for summer and $100 each for fall and spring is charged to students who reside in Bell, Milam, Williamson, McLennan, Coryell, Falls, Lampasas, and Burnet counties.

Certificate Fee

This is an application fee for students taking certification programs through graduate school.

Texas Educator Certification Fee

The certification fee covers the required services for admission and compilation of your Texas Candidate Certification Record and to verify your credentials in pursuit of a Texas Educator Certification.


Texas Administrative Code § 229.9 (7)(A) requires candidates who accept admission into an Educator Preparation Program pay a fee that will be sent to the Texas Education Agency (TEA). This fee is directly billed to the student once acceptance documentation has been received. 

Course Fees

These fees are charged to cover the costs of materials and services directly associated with selected classroom or laboratory activities.

Distance Learning Fee

The fee of $45 per SCH is assessed for fully online courses and $30 per SCH is assessed for hybrid courses to provide web-based platforms and student services support.

Excessive Hours Fee

A fee of $100 per excess SCH is charged for students with excessive hours towards a degree program. Reference Texas Education Code § 54.014, which provides a limit to the number of hours an undergraduate Texas resident may attempt while paying in-state tuition.

Field Experience Fee

A fee per course is charged to all students who register for a student teaching, internship, field placement, or cooperative education course. This fee is used for costs directly associated with these courses.

Graduation Application Fee

This fee is due at the time the graduation application is submitted. This fee is used for costs directly related to graduation (diplomas, etc.). 

Graduation Application Late Fee

Students who do not apply for graduation by the appropriate deadline will be assessed a $20 late fee.

Installment Payment Plan Fee

Students who sign up for the installment payment plan will be assessed a $20 processing fee.

International Student Program Fee

This is a fee assessed only to international students at a rate of $40 per semester, which funds expenses directly associated with the International Education Program.

International Health Insurance Fee

The Texas A&M University System requires all international students entering the U.S. on a F-1 student visa to be covered under the Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan (SSHIP) or have equivalent insurance coverage that meets the waiver criteria at http://assets.system.tamus.edu/files/benefits/pdf/studentinsurance/waiver%20guidelines.pdf. The System Student Health Insurance Regulation is located at http://policies.tamus.edu/26-99-01.pdf.

Internship Fee for Teacher Certification

The internship fee provides the candidate a Field Supervisor and Mentor, as required by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), in the pursuit of obtaining a Teacher Certification. This fee is required every semester the candidate is enrolled in the Internship I or Internship II course.

Laboratory Fee

A fee for each laboratory course may be charged for materials and supplies.

Late Registration Fee

Students who do not register or make initial payments by the appropriate deadline will pay a $25 late fee.

Late Payment Fee

Students who make an installment payment after the due date will be charged a late payment fee of $20. Students who are delinquent more than five days may be prohibited from registering for classes and blocked from all university services.

Materials Fee

A fee may be added for specialized courses requiring supplies to supplement instructional activities.

Parking Fee

Students who wish to park a vehicle or motorcycle on A&M–Central Texas property must pay a parking fee of $30 for each regular semester and $10 for each summer semester.

Repeated Courses Fee (3-Peat)

An additional course fee will be charged at a rate of $100 per SCH to those students who attempt the same course for a third time since Fall 2002. This provision is described in the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Rules (Chapter 13, Subchapter B, § 13.25).

Testing Fee

A testing fee of $15 for first-time students will be assessed to support the Testing Center and other university testing services. It is charged at the time of first enrollment and covers all institutional testing in the Testing Center while the student is enrolled.

Reinstatement Fee

A student who is dropped from the rolls of the university will be charged a fee of $100 for reinstatement of their status as student.

Transcript Fee

A fee of $3 is charged for transcript processing. The first two transcripts are free. 

Financial Obligation for Graduating Students

According to Texas Education Code § 54.007 (d), all financial obligations to the university must be paid by the end of the semester.  Failure to settle all financial obligations will result in withholding a student's diploma at graduation. Additionally, a hold will be placed on the student's account which will prohibit registration in subsequent semesters and receipt of official transcripts. 

Chapter 54.007 (d) of the Texas Education Code states "A student who fails to make payment prior to the end of the semester may be denied credit for the work done that semester."