Graduate Grading System

Graduate degree credit is only granted for A, B, and C grades. However, graduate students must maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA to avoid academic probation or suspension (see Graduate School Performance for more details). A minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher is required for:

  1. All courses included in a degree plan
  2. All courses within the major field
  3. All courses within an emphasis area (if selected)
  4. Cumulative institutional GPA on all coursework

The lowest passing grade is a C (2.0 GPA), but students should note that some universities and colleges do not accept a "C" in transfer.

Courses originally taken at A&M-Central Texas may not be repeated at another institution for degree credit. If a course is repeated at A&M-Central Texas, the higher grade will be used to compute the GPA, except when determining the Distinguished Graduate designation.

Graduate Grading Scale

Grade Description Grade Points per Semester Hour

A Excellent 4.0
B Good 3.0
C Fair 2.0 (Lowest Passing Grade)
D Not Passing for Graduate Coursework 0.0
F Failing 0.0
I Incomplete (under exceptional circumstances, see below)
IP In-Progress (used for non-completed thesis coursework)
Q Withdrawal from course, no grade designated
W Withdrawal from the university, no grade designated
P Passing
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
NG No Credit
NP No Pass

A student who drops a course on or before the census date will receive no grade, and the course will not appear on the permanent record.

Incomplete Grade Policy

A grade of "I" (Incomplete) is assigned only in extraordinary circumstances and requires approval from both the instructor and the department chair or college dean. The "I" grade must be resolved by the end of the next long semester, or it will automatically convert to an "F."

For Education Internships, if coursework is not completed during the first semester of registration, an "I" is assigned. The student may re-register the following semester, at which point a letter grade will be awarded upon satisfactory completion of the work. If the work remains incomplete, the "I" from the prior semester will be converted to "NC" (No Credit), and the student will receive an "F" for the subsequent semester’s coursework.

Eligibility for Honors Graduation

Graduate students are not eligible for institutional honors. However, they may earn the Distinguished Graduate designation by achieving a 4.0 GPA (A) on the first attempt of each course. Repeated coursework will not be considered, and any transfer coursework below a 4.0 disqualifies a student from this designation.