Graduate Student Performance
Every student enrolled in the Graduate School is required to maintain a high level of performance and comply fully with the policies of the institution. Students who have achieved admission are expected to maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA on all graduate work completed at A&M–Central Texas, both per semester and overall. The Graduate School reserves the right to suspend any graduate student who does not maintain satisfactory academic standing or who fails to conform to university regulations.
Probation – At the end of any grading period, if a student’s semester or overall GPA falls below the required minimum as set by the department (at least a minimum 3.0 GPA), she/he will be given notice of unsatisfactory academic performance and will be put on probation. The student must attain a 3.0 cumulative GPA during her/his next period of enrollment. Failure to do so will result in suspension.
Suspension – At the end of any grading period, if a student’s semester or overall GPA falls below a 2.0 she/he will be automatically suspended and may not attend classes for one long semester or the summer term. During the suspension period, students are not permitted to remit transcripts for coursework taken at other institutions. Upon return from suspension, a student must sign a contract with the Graduate School stipulating the conditions that must be met for the following term. At a minimum, the graduate student must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA for every semester thereafter. Additional stipulations may be created on a case-by-case basis. A graduate student is allowed one suspension. If poor academic performance results in a second suspension, the student will be dismissed from the current program and may be permanently dismissed from the university. Dismissal from a second program will result in permanent dismissal from the university.
Appeal for Bar from Attendance due to Suspension – Under exceptional conditions, a student may write a letter of appeal to the manager of Graduate Services asking to be allowed to continue for the semester, rather than sitting out for the term. The student must contact the Graduate School to request a contract to submit an appeal. Reinstatement will be considered on a case-by-case basis and approved only once by the Graduate School. There is no appeal beyond the dean of the Graduate School.