Academic Standing

Undergraduate Students

The following policies apply to all undergraduate students unless more restrictive rules are included as part of special admission conditions or more restrictive rules have been approved for a program, department, or college.

The purpose of academic warning, probation, and suspension is to make the student aware of the University’s concern that satisfactory progress is not being made in the student's course of study. Early notification of this concern maximizes the student’s opportunity to make appropriate adjustments to remain in good standing. A 2.0 total institutional GPA is the lowest acceptable academic standard. The total institutional GPA used in this policy is defined as the best attempt on each course taken at A&M–Central Texas; transfer coursework does not affect academic standing. A student with a 2.0 or higher total institutional GPA is considered to be in good standing.

Reapplication and readmission to the University does not affect academic standing, except in the case where a student is suspended and reapplies after sitting out the required time. Upon readmission and academic advising, the student's academic standing will be changed to Academic Warning. Students are responsible for knowing their academic standing and the regulations that apply. Students who do not abide by the regulations governing their particular status may be required to reduce their academic load or withdraw from the University.

Good Standing

A new student or a continuing student who maintains a total institutional GPA between 2.00 and 4.00 is considered to be in academic good standing. 

Academic Warning

A student in good standing who earns a total institutional GPA between 1.00 and 1.99 at the end of any fall or spring semester will be placed on academic warning.  This status will not prevent the student from taking courses during the subsequent semester. 

Academic Probation

A student on academic warning who maintains a total institutional GPA between 1.00 and 1.99 at the end of the subsequent fall or spring semester will be placed on academic probation.  This status will not prevent the student from taking courses during the subsequent semester. 

Academic Suspension

A student who earns below a 1.00 total institutional GPA at the end of a fall or spring semester, or a student on academic probation who earns less than a 2.00 total institutional GPA at the end of the next fall or spring semester, will be suspended. This status will prevent future registrations.

Suspension Notification Process

At the end of each fall and spring semester, the student's academic college will notify suspended students of their academic standing and explain the provisions for an appeal. The notice serves as official documentation to ensure the student has been properly informed of their academic standing with the University.

Length of Suspension

First suspension – one long semester (fall or spring)

Second suspension – one calendar year

Third suspension – three calendar years

Academic Suspension Appeal Process for Undergraduates

A student who has not served the requisite length of suspension and wishes to request a waiver of the suspension term may appeal to the department chair in charge of the student's academic program to forego the suspension and continue enrollment. The student must first contact their college academic advisor and compose an appeal letter addressing each of the following:

  • A summary of the situation which resulted in poor academic performance and ultimate suspension;
  • A justification for why the student should not be required to serve the term of suspension; and
  • A plan for how the student will ensure success in the next term if the appeal request is granted.

The final decision for all suspension appeals lies within the college.

Appeals are only finalized when the student and authorized official have completed the Contract for Conditional Enrollment.

Students who meet the terms of their contract will be permitted to continue enrollment with specific stipulations and courses, but must request a Contract for Conditional Enrollment each semester until they achieve good standing.

Academic Reinstatement after Suspension for Undergraduates

A student who is suspended from A&M–Central Texas is advised not to take college courses at any institution during the term of suspension. Any student who takes transferable college level courses during the term of suspension must meet A&M–Central Texas transfer requirements in order to be readmitted and will be on academic warning the first long semester back at A&M–Central Texas. A student who is suspended from A&M–Central Texas and does not take transferable college level courses during the term of suspension may return to A&M–Central Texas after the term of the suspension and will be on academic warning the first long semester back at A&M–Central Texas.