Undergraduate Grading System
Final grades in all courses will be available at the end of each semester on Warrior Web. Students can view and print copies of their final grades on Warrior Web. The undergraduate student’s term grade in any subject shall be designated as one of the following letters:
A | Excellent, 4 quality points per semester hour |
B | Good, 3 quality points per semester hour |
C | Fair, 2 quality points per semester hour |
D | Passing, 1 quality point per semester hour |
F | Failing, 0 quality points per semester hour |
I | Incomplete (under exceptional circumstances, see below) |
Q | Withdrawal from course, no grade designated |
W | Withdrawal from university, no grade designated |
WF | Withdrawal failing from university (included in GPA) |
P | Pass |
S | Satisfactory |
U | Unsatisfactory |
N | Not Graded/ No Grade Reported |
AU | Course Audit, no grade assigned |
The lowest passing grade is a "D." Students should consider that some universities and colleges do not accept a "D" in transfer.
If a course is taken at A&M–Central Texas and repeated at this institution, only the best grade in the course is counted in computing the GPA.
The grade "I" shall be recorded for a student only in the case of extraordinary circumstances. This entry is used rarely when the instructor and his/her department chair have concurred that the incomplete entry is justified. A grade of "I" must be made up by the last day that course grades are due to the Registrar during the next long semester, and in all cases before registering for the next sequential course. Should this grade not be reported to the Registrar within the prescribed time limit, it automatically becomes an "F."
A student who drops a course on or before the census date receives no grade, and the course will not be listed on that student’s permanent record.
Grade Point Average
The grade point average (GPA) is obtained by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of semester hours included for quality points.
Semester credit hour
A lecture course which meets one hour per week for 15 weeks is worth 1 semester credit hour. Thus, a course worth 3 semester credit hours meets three hours per week. Credit hours for laboratory courses are determined to be some fraction of the number of hours spent in class.
For further information, visit Texas A&M University–Central Texas Rule — Awarding Credit Hours — 11.03.01.D0.01, which complies with The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board definition of minimum course lengths as part of the Texas Administrative Code Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Rule 4.6, “Minimum Length of Courses and Limitation on the Amount of Credit that a Student May Earn in a Given Time Period.”