Requirements for a Baccalaureate Degree
General Requirements
The following general requirements for graduating with a baccalaureate degree must be met by all students. Additional requirements may exist for individual programs. The final responsibility for meeting all degree requirements rests with the student.
- Students must satisfactorily complete 120 credit hours of degree applicable coursework. Adding minors may increase the overall credit hours.
- Students must complete the 42-hour statewide core curriculum. The component area requirements are consistent with statewide core curriculum guidelines.
- Students must earn a minimum cumulative institutional GPA of 2.00 in all coursework taken at A&M–Central Texas, and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 in all coursework, including coursework transferred from another institution. The student must also be in good academic standing with the university.
- Students must satisfactorily complete at least 45 credit hours of upper-level (junior and senior) coursework. The following programs incorporate a high volume of technical/vocational (Workforce Education) and have a reduced upper-level credit minimum: Aviation Science (B.S.); Business (B.A.A.S.); Information Technology (B.A.A.S.); Psychology (B.A.A.S.); and Nursing (B.S.N.).
Institutional Residency Requirements
Residency is satisfied only by official enrollment in and satisfactory completion of coursework at A&M–Central Texas applicable toward degree requirements.
- A minimum of 25% of coursework required for the degree must be completed with A&M–Central Texas (i.e. 30 hours of a degree that requires 120 hours). The work completed at A&M–Central Texas and counted toward the degree must include at least 24 upper-level hours (3000 or 4000 level courses), and 12 of these upper-level hours must be in the field of study in which the student intends to major.
- A maximum of 68 semester hours of academic credit will be accepted for degree credit from a two-year institution, unless otherwise approved.
Writing Instructive Program
To satisfy this requirement, students must have credit for four writing instructive (WI) courses. Two of these four courses must be upper-level institutional WI courses within the major or designed for the degree plan. The remaining WI requirement should be met through Communication core component area in the Texas Common Core.
Application for Degree
A candidate for a degree must apply for the degree by submitting an “Application for Graduation” online through Warrior Web no later than the deadline for submission of the application for graduation, as specified in the academic calendar. Deadlines for submitting an application for graduation are strictly enforced. A $50 graduation application processing fee is required at the time the application is submitted. Students who miss the application deadline will be charged a $20 late fee and will be eligible for conferral only. Students failing to meet degree requirements in the semester in which they have applied to graduate must reapply and re-pay the graduation application processing fee for the next semester.
Financial Obligation for Graduating Students
According to Chapter § 54.007 (d) of the Texas Education Code, all financial obligations to the university must be paid by the end of the semester. Failure to settle all financial obligations will result in withholding a student’s diploma at graduation. Additionally, a block will be placed on the student’s account which will prohibit registration in subsequent semesters and receipt of official transcripts.
- Chapter § 54.007 (d) of the Texas Education Code states “A student who fails to make payment prior to the end of the semester may be denied credit for the work done that semester.”