Undergraduate Academic Advising

Academic advisors and faculty advisors assist students by providing information and advice related to academic programs. This includes--but is not limited to--specific major requirements for graduation, course planning, insight into how majors and careers may fit together, and preparation for further education. 

Students not yet enrolled at A&M–Central Texas may meet with an academic advisor to discuss how their previous coursework may be transferred and applied to their chosen degree. Prospective students are also strongly encouraged to join A&M–Central Texas's transfer program Transfer Central

All newly admitted and readmitted students are required to meet with an academic advisor (located within each college)--either in person, online, or via telephone--before they will be permitted to enroll in courses. Students may schedule face-to-face, virtual, or phone appointments with an academic advisor. 

*All Social Work students should contact the department directly at (254) 519-5406 for any inquiries or to set up an advising appointment.

Academic advisors are able to assist A&M-Central Texas students with the following:

  • Declaration or change of major
  • Course substitutions for the general education core
  • Graduation applications
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeals (related to financial aid eligibility)
  • Consortium Agreements (related to financial aid)
  • Degree mapping/course planning
  • Class selection
  • Grade Point Average (GPA) issues
  • The transferability and applicability of courses taken at other institutions
  • Other general questions related to academic requirements