General Education Core Requirements

All baccalaureate degree programs must include the following university general education requirements: 1, 2

Foundational Component Areas
Communication (010)6
Mathematics (020)3
Life & Physical Sciences (030)6
Language, Philosophy & Culture (040)3
Creative Arts (050) 33
American History (060)6
Government/Political Science (070)6
Social & Behavioral Sciences (080)3
Component Area Option (090)6
Total Credit Hours42

Communication (010)

Courses in this category focus on developing ideas and expressing them clearly, considering the effect of the message, fostering understanding, and building the skills needed to communicate persuasively.  Courses involve the command of oral, aural, written, and visual literacy skills that enable people to exchange messages appropriate to a given subject, occasion, and audience. The following four Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill this category requirement: Critical Thinking Skills, Communications Skills, Teamwork, and Personal Responsibility.

Mathematics (020)

Courses in this category focus on quantitative literacy in logic, patterns, and relationships.  Courses involve the understanding of key mathematical concepts and the application of appropriate quantitative tools to everyday experience. The following three Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill this category requirement: Critical Thinking Skills, Communications Skills, and Empirical and Quantitative Skills.

Life & Physical Sciences (030)

Courses in this category focus on describing, explaining, and predicting natural phenomena using the scientific method.  Courses involve the understanding of interactions among natural phenomena and the implications of scientific principles on the physical world and on human experiences. The following four Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill this category requirement: Critical Thinking Skills, Communications Skills, Empirical and Quantitative Skills, and Teamwork.

Language, Philosophy & Culture (040)

Courses in this category focus on how ideas, values, beliefs, and other aspects of culture express and affect human experience.  Courses involve the exploration of ideas that foster aesthetic and intellectual creation in order to understand the human condition across cultures. The following four Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill this category requirement: Critical Thinking Skills, Communications Skills, Personal Responsibility, and Social Responsibility.

Creative Arts (050)

Courses in this category focus on the appreciation and analysis of creative artifacts and works of the human imagination.  Courses involve the synthesis and interpretation of artistic expression and enable critical, creative, and innovative communication about works of art. The following four Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill this category requirement: Critical Thinking Skills, Communications Skills, Teamwork, and Social Responsibility.

American History (060)

Courses in this category focus on the consideration of past events and ideas relative to the United States with the option of including Texas History for a portion of this component area.  Courses involve examining the interaction among individuals, communities, states, the nation, and the world, considering how these interactions have contributed to the development of the United States and its global role. The following four Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill this category requirement: Critical Thinking Skills, Communications Skills, Personal Responsibility, and Social Responsibility.

Government/Political Science (070)

Courses in this category focus on consideration of the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the states, with special emphasis on that of Texas.  Courses involve the analysis of governmental institutions, political behavior, civic engagement, and the political and philosophical foundations. The following four Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill this category requirement: Critical Thinking Skills, Communications Skills, Personal Responsibility, and Social Responsibility.

Social & Behavioral Sciences (080)

Courses in this category focus on the application of empirical and scientific methods that contribute to the understanding of what makes us human.  Courses involve the exploration of behavior and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, and events, examining their impact on individual, society, and culture. The following four Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill this category requirement: Critical Thinking Skills, Communications Skills, Empirical and Quantitative Skills, and Social Responsibility.

Component Area Option (090)

Courses designated to complete the Component Area Option must meet the definition and Core Objectives specified in one of the foundational component areas outlined above. As an option for up to three (3) semester credit hours of the Component Area Option, an institution may certify that the course(s) meet the definition specified for one or more of the foundational component areas; and include a minimum of three Core Objectives, including Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, and one of the remaining Core Objectives of the institution's choice. 

Core Curriculum Learning Objectives

Through the Texas Core Curriculum, students will prepare for contemporary challenges by developing and demonstrating the following core objectives: 

  • Critical Thinking Skills - to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information.
  • Communication Skills - to include effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication.
  • Empirical and Quantitative Skills - to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.
  • Teamwork - to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.
  • Personal Responsibility - to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.
  • Social Responsibility - to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities.

Satisfaction of Foundational Component Areas

Each student must meet the number of semester credit hours (SCH) in each foundational component area; however, A&M–Central Texas is not required to apply additional SCH beyond the number of SCH specified in a foundational component area. A course may only apply to a single foundational component area. If the SCH for a course in a foundational component area exceeds the number of SCH allotted in that foundational component area, the excess SCH must be applied to the Component Area Option or applied to a portion of the specific degree requirements, such that the additional SCH will not surpass the number of SCH required to complete the degree. 

Core Curriculum Transfer

Students who complete all general education requirements as approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) at another Texas public school and who then transfer to A&M–Central Texas will generally be considered to have met the general education requirements as outlined toward a degree at A&M–Central Texas. However, additional requirements for the degree must be met, possibly requiring students to take one or more courses that are part of the general education requirements at A&M-Central Texas.

Field of Study Curricula

In accordance with Texas Education Code, §61.823, the THECB is authorized to approve Field of Study Curricula4 for certain fields of study/academic disciplines. The THECB delegates development of Field of Study Curricula to the Commissioner with the assistance of the Texas Transfer Advisory Committee, as defined by Title 19, Subchapter V, Chapter 1. The Texas Transfer Advisory Committee is responsible for convening discipline-specific subcommittees. Discipline-specific subcommittees shall provide subject-matter expertise to the Texas Transfer Advisory Committee in developing Field of Study Curricula in specific disciplines. A&M–Central Texas identifies coursework from the approved Field of Study Curricula on the program pages within the catalog. 


General education requirements are subject to review and change by the THECB.


Some degree programs specify the courses that satisfy these requirements. A student should consult with an academic advisor in selecting general education requirement courses.


Creative Arts courses must be historical, appreciative, or theoretical in nature; an applied or performance course is not acceptable.


Field of Study Curricula requirements are subject to review and change by the THECB.

The following sections of the Common Core list individual courses that meet the requirements for that core component area.  The list for each section are the most commonly applied courses across the Texas public community colleges and universities.  The list for each area may change during the academic year according to THECB rulings. 

Some courses are listed in several different component areas; the same course can only be used to satisfy one component area.  A course will be applied to the subject area of the core curriculum first, then a subsequent component area for core curriculum completion.  When the subject area has been satisfied, the course will be used to satisfy the next component area. 

The (090) Component Area Option listing in not inclusive of all course work that can be applied.  The listing is identifies most lower-level and field of study course work required on several of A&M-CT programs.  See your college advisor for more information.  The Common Core listing for each section may also be found at this website:

Communication (010)

Course Number Course Title
ENGL 1301 Composition I
ENGL 1302 Composition II
ENGL 2311 Technical & Business Writing
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking
SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication
SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication
COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication

Mathematics (020)

Course Number Course Title
MATH 1314 College Algebra
MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences
MATH 1325 Calculus for Business & Social Sciences
MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods
MATH 1350 Mathematics for Teachers (Fundamentals of Mathematics I)
MATH 1351 Mathematics for Teachers II (Fundamentals of Mathematics II)
MATH 1414 College Algebra
MATH 1442 Elementary Statistical Methods
MATH 2312 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
MATH 2313 Calculus I
MATH 2314 Calculus II
MATH 2315 Calculus III
MATH 2318 Linear Algebra
MATH 2320 Differential Equations
MATH 2412 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
MATH 2413 Calculus I
MATH 2414 Calculus II
MATH 2415 Calculus III
MATH 2418 Linear Algebra
MATH 2420 Differential Equations
PHIL 2303 Introduction to Formal Logic
PSYC 2317 Statistical Methods in Psychology

Life & Physical Science (030)

Course Number Course Title
AGRI 1107 Agronomy (Lab)
AGRI 1307 Agronomy (Lecture)
AGRI 1407 Agronomy (Lecture + Lab)
AGRI 1115 Horticulture (Lab)
AGRI 1315 Horticulture (Lecture)
AGRI 1415 Horticulture (Lecture + Lab)
AGRI 1119 Introductory Animal Science (Lab)
AGRI 1319 Introductory Animal Science (Lecture)
AGRI 1419 Introductory Animal Science (Lecture + Lab)
ANTH 2101 Physical Anthropology (Lab)
ANTH 2301 Physical Anthropology (Lecture)
ANTH 2401 Physical Anthropology (Lecture + Lab)
ASTR 1103 Star and Galaxies (Lab)
ASTR 1303 Stars and Galaxies (Lecture)
ASTR 1403 Stars and Galaxies (Lecture + Lab)
ASTR 1104 Solar System (Lab)
ASTR 1304 Solar System (Lecture)
ASTR 1404 Solar System (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 1106 Biology for Science Majors I (Lab)
BIOL 1306 Biology for Science Majors I (Lecture)
BIOL 1406 Biology for Science Majors I (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 1107 Biology for Science Majors II (Lab)
BIOL 1307 Biology for Science Majors II (lecture)
BIOL 1407 Biology for Science Majors II (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 1108 Biology for Non-Science Majors I (Lab)
BIOL 1308 Biology for Non-Science Majors I (Lecture)
BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Science Majors I (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 1109 Biology for Non-Science Majors II (Lab)
BIOL 1309 Biology for Non-Science Majors II (Lecture)
BIOL 1409 Biology for Non-Science Majors II (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 1322 Nutrition & Diet Therapy
BIOL 1111 General Botany (Lab)
BIOL 1311 General Botany (Lecture)
BIOL 1411 General Botany (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 1113 General Zoology (Lab)
BIOL 1313 General Zoology (Lecture)
BIOL 1413 General Zoology (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 1414 Introduction to Biotechnology I
BIOL 1415 Introduction to Biotechnology II
BIOL 2101 Anatomy & Physiology I (Lab)
BIOL 2301 Anatomy & Physiology I (Lecture)
BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 2404 Anatomy & Physiology (specialized)
BIOL 2102 Anatomy & Physiology II (Lab)
BIOL 2302 Anatomy & Physiology II (Lecture)
BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 2106 Environmental Biology (Lab)
BIOL 2306 Environmental Biology (Lecture)
BIOL 2406 Environmental Biology (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 2116 Genetics (Lab)
BIOL 2120 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (Lab)
BIOL 2320 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (Lecture)
BIOL 2420 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (Lecture + Lab)
BIOL 2121 Microbiology for Science Majors (lab)
BIOL 2321 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (Lecture)
BIOL 2421 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 1105 Introductory Chemistry I (Lab)
CHEM 1305 Introductory Chemistry I (Lecture)
CHEM 1405 Introductory Chemistry I (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 1106 Introductory Chemistry I (allied health emphasis - Lab)
CHEM 1306 Introductory Chemistry I (allied health emphasis - Lecture)
CHEM 1406 Introductory Chemistry I (allied health emphasis - Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 1107 Introductory Chemistry II (Lab)
CHEM 1307 Introductory Chemistry II (Lecture)
CHEM 1407 Introductory Chemistry II (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I (Lab)
CHEM 1311 General Chemistry I (Lecture)
CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 1112 General Chemistry II (Lab)
CHEM 1312 General Chemistry II (Lecture)
CHEM 1412 General Chemistry II (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 2123 Organic Chemistry I (Lab)
CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry I (Lecture)
CHEM 2423 Organic Chemistry I (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 2125 Organic Chemistry II (Lab)
CHEM 2325 Organic Chemistry II (Lecture)
CHEM 2425 Organic Chemistry II (Lecture + Lab)
ENVR 1101 Environmental Science I (Lab)
ENVR 1301 Environmental Science I (Lecture)
ENVR 1401 Environmental Science I (Lecture + Lab)
ENVR 1102 Environmental Science II (Lab)
ENVR 1302 Environmental Science II (Lecture)
ENVR 1402 Environmental Science II (Lecture + Lab)
GEOG 1301 Physical Geography
GEOL 1101 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I (Lab)
GEOL 1301 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I (Lecture)
GEOL 1401 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I (Lecture + Lab)
GEOL 1102 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors II (Lab)
GEOL 1302 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors II (Lecture)
GEOL 1402 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors II (Lecture + Lab)
GEOL 1103 Physical Geology (Lab)
GEOL 1303 Physical Geology (Lecture)
GEOL 1403 Physical Geology (Lecture + Lab)
GEOL 1104 Historical Geology (Lab)
GEOL 1304 Historical Geology (Lecture)
GEOL 1404 Historical Geology (Lecture + Lab)
GEOL 1105 Environmental Science I (Lab)
GEOL 1305 Environmental Science I (Lecture)
GEOL 1405 Environmental Science I (Lecture + Lab)
GEOL 1145 Oceanography (Lab)
GEOL 1345 Oceanography (Lecture)
GEOL 1445 Oceanography (Lecture + Lab)
GEOL 1147 Meteorology (Lab)
GEOL 1347 Oceanography (Lecture)
GEOL 1447 Oceanography (Lecture + Lab)
HORT 1101 Horticulture (Lab)
HORT 1301 Horticulture (Lecture)
HORT 1401 Horticulture (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1101 College Physics I (Lab)
PHYS 1301 College Physics I (Lecture)
PHYS 1401 College Physics I (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1102 College Physics II (Lab)
PHYS 1302 College Physics II (Lecture)
PHYS 1402 College Physics II (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1104 Solar System (Lab)
PHYS 1304 Solar System (Lecture)
PHYS 1404 Solar System (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1103 Stars and Galaxies (Lab)
PHYS 1303 Star and Galaxies (Lecture)
PHYS 1403 Stars and Galaxies (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1105 Elementary Physics I (Lab)
PHYS 1305 Elementary Physics I (Lecture)
PHYS 1405 Elementary Physics I (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1107 Elementary Physics II (Lab)
PHYS 1307 Elementary Physics II (Lecture)
PHYS 1407 Elementary Physics II (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1110 Elementary Physics for Non-Science Majors (Lab)
PHYS 1310 Elementary Physics for Non-Science Majors (Lecture)
PHYS 1410 Elementary Physics for Non-Science Majors (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1115 Physical Science I (Lab)
PHYS 1315 Physical Science I (Lecture)
PHYS 1415 Physical Science I (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1117 Physical Science II (Lab)
PHYS 1317 Physical Science II (Lecture)
PHYS 1417 Physical Science II (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 2125 University Physics I (Lab)
PHYS 2325 University Physics I (Lecture)
PHYS 2425 University Physics I (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 2126 University Physics II (Lab)
PHYS 2326 University Physics II (Lecture)
PHYS 2426 University Physics II (Lecture + Lab)

Language, Philosophy & Culture (040)

Course Number Course Title
ANTH 2302 Introduction to Archeology
ANTH 2346 General Anthropology
ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology
ARAB 2311 Intermediate Arabic I
ARAB 2312 Intermediate Arabic II
ARCH 1301 Architectural History I
ARCH 1302 Architectural History II
ARTS 1303 Art History I
ARTS 1304 Art History II
CHIN 1411 Beginning Chinese I
CHIN 2311 Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN 2312 Intermediate Chinese II
COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication
COMM 2300 Media Literacy
DANC 1305 World Dance
DRAM 2361 History of the Theater I
DRAM 2362 History of the Theater II
ENGL 2321 British Literature
ENGL 2322 British Literature I
ENGL 2323 British Literature II
ENGL 2326 American Literature
ENGL 2327 American Literature I
ENGL 2328 American Literature II
ENGL 2331 World Literature
ENGL 2332 World Literature I
ENGL 2333 World Literature II
ENGL 2341 Forms of Literature
ENGL 2351 Mexican-American Literature
FREN 1411 Beginning French I
FREN 1412 Beginning French II
FREN 2311 Intermediate French I
FREN 2312 Intermediate French II
GEOG 1302 Human Geography
GERM 1411 Beginning German I
GERM 1412 Beginning German II
GERM 2311 Intermediate German I
GERM 2312 Intermediate German II
HIST 2311 Western Civilization I
HIST 2312 Western Civilization II
HIST 2321 World Civilizations I
HIST 2322 World Civilizations II
HUMA 1301 Introduction to Humanities I
HUMA 1302 Introduction to Humanities II
HUMA 1305 Introduction to Mexican-American Studies
HUMA 1311 Mexican American Fine Arts Appreciation
HUMA 1315 Fine Arts Appreciation
HUMA 2319 American Minority Studies
HUMA 2323 World Cultures
ITAL 2311 Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 2312 Intermediate Italian II
JAPN 2311 Intermediate Japanese I
JAPN 2312 Intermediate Japanese II
KORE 2311 Intermediate Korean I
KORE 2312 Intermediate Korean II
LATI 2311 Intermediate Latin I
LATI 2312 Intermediate Latin II
MUSI 1307 Music Literature
PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1304 Introduction to World Religions
PHIL 2303 Introduction to Formal Logic
PHIL 2306 Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 2307 Introduction to Social & Political Philosophy
PHIL 2316 Classical Philosophy
PHIL 2321 Philosophy of Religion
PORT 2311 Intermediate Portuguese I
PORT 2312 Intermediate Portuguese II
RUSS 1411 Beginning Russian I
RUSS 1412 Beginning Russian II
RUSS 2311 Intermediate Russian I
RUSS 2312 Intermediate Russian II
SGNL 2301 Intermediate American Sign Language I
SGNL 2302 Intermediate American Sign Language II
SOCI 2319 Minority Studies
SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 1412 Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2313 Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers I
SPAN 2315 Spanish for Native/ Heritage Speakers II

Creative Arts (050)

Course Number Course Title
ARCH 1301 Architectural History I
ARCH 1302 Architectural History II
ARCH 1303 Architectural Design I
ARCH 1307 Architectural Graphics I
ARCH 1311 Introduction to Architecture
ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation
ARTS 1303 Art History I
ARTS 1304 Art History II
ARTS 1313 Foundations of Art
COMM 1335 Introduction to Electronic Media
COMM 2300 Media Literacy
COMM 2366 Introduction to Cinema
DANC 1305 World Dance
DANC 2303 Dance Appreciation
DRAM 1310 Introduction to Theater
DRAM 2361 History of the Theater I
DRAM 2362 History of the Theater II
DRAM 2366 Introduction to Cinema
ENGL 2307 Creative Writing
HUMA 1301 Introduction to Humanities I
HUMA 1302 Introduction to Humanities II
HUMA 1305 Introduction to Mexican American Studies
HUMA 1311 Mexican-American Fine Arts Appreciation
HUMA 1315 Fine Arts Appreciation
MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation
MUSI 1307 Music Literature
MUSI 1310 American Music

American History (060)

Course Number Course Title
HIST 1301 United States History I
HIST 1302 United States History II
HIST 2301 Texas History
HIST 2327 Mexican-American History I
HIST 2328 Mexican-American History II
HIST 2381 African-American History
HIST 2382 African American History II

Government / Political Science (070)

Course Number Course Title
GOVT 2305 Federal Government
GOVT 2306 Texas Government

Social & Behavioral Science (080)

Course Number Course Title
AGRI 2317 Introduction to Agricultural Economics
ANTH 2301 Physical Anthropology
ANTH 2302 Introduction to Archeology
ANTH 2346 General Anthropology
ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology
ARCH 1311 Introduction to Architecture
BIOL 1322 Nutrition & Diet Theraphy
BUSI 1301 Business Principles
COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication
CRIJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRIJ 1306 Court Systems & Practices
CRIJ 1307 Crime in America
CRIJ 1310 Fundamentals of Criminal Law
CRIJ 2313 Correctional Systems & Practices
CRIJ 2328 Police Systems & Practices
ECON 1301 Introduction to Economics
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
EDUC 2301 Introduction to Special Populations
ENGR 2308 Engineering Economics
GEOG 1301 Physical Geography
GEOG 1302 Human Geography
GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography
GOVT 2304 Introduction to Political Science
GOVT 2311 Mexican American and Latinx Politics
HIST 2301 Texas History
HIST 2311 Western Civilization I
HIST 2312 Western Civilization II
HIST 2321 World Civilizations I
HIST 2322 World Civilizations II
HIST 2327 Mexican American History I
HIST 2381 African-American History
PHED 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology
PHED 1304 Personal/Community Health
PHED 1346 Drug Use & Abuse
PHIL 2303 Introduction to Formal Logic
PSYC 2301 General Psychology
PSYC 2306 Human Sexuality
PSYC 2307 Adolescent Psychology
PSYC 2308 Child Psychology
PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth & Development
PSYC 2315 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 2316 Psychology of Personality
PSYC 2317 Statistical Methods in Psychology
PSYC 2319 Social Psychology
SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 1306 Social Problems
SOCI 2301 Marriage & the Family
SOCI 2306 Human Sexuality
SOCI 2319 Minority Studies
SOCI 2326 Social Psychology
SOCI 2336 Criminology
SOCI 2340 Drug Use & Abuse
SOCW 2361 Introduction to Social Work
SOCW 2362 Social Welfare as a Social Institution
SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication
TECA 1303 Families, School, & Community
TECA 1354 Child Growth & Development

Component Area Option (090)

Course Number Course Title
ACCT 2301 Principles of Financial Accounting
ACCT 2302 Principles of Managerial Accounting
AGRI 1407 Agronomy
AGRI 1415 Horticulture
AGRI 1419 Introduction Animal Science
AGRI 2317 Introduction to Agricultural Economics
ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology
ARAB 2311 Intermediate Arabic I
ARAB 2312 Intermediate Arabic II
ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation
ARTS 1303 Art History I
ARTS 1304 Art History II
BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications
BIOL 1322 Nutrition & Diet Therapy
BIOL 1406 Biology for Science Majors I
BIOL 1407 Biology for Science Majors II
BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Science Majors I
BIOL 1409 Biology for Non-Science Majors II
BIOL 1411 General Botany
BIOL 1413 General Zoology
BIOL 2116 Genetics
BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 2416 Genetics
BIOL 2420 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors
BIOL 2421 Microbiology for Science Majors
BUSI 1301 Business Principles
BUSI 2301 Business Law
BUSI 2305 Business Statistics
CHEM 1105 Introductory Chemistry I (Lab)
CHEM 1111 General Chemistry II (Lab)
CHEM 1112 General Chemistry II (Lab)
CHEM 1305 Introductory Chemistry I (Lecture)
CHEM 1405 Introductory to Chemistry (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 1406 Introductory Chemistry I (allied health emphasis)
CHEM 1407 Introductory Chemistry II (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 1412 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2123 Organic Chemistry I (Lab)
CHEM 2125 Organic Chemistry II (Lab)
CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry I (Lecture)
CHEM 2325 Organic Chemistry II (Lecture)
CHEM 2423 Organic Chemistry I (Lecture + Lab)
CHEM 2425 Organic Chemistry II (Lecture + Lab)
CHIN 2311 Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN 2312 Intermediate Chinese II
COSC 1301 Introduction to Computing
COSC 1309 Programming Logic & Design
COSC 1315 Fundamentals of Programming
COSC 1320 C Programming I
COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I
COSC 1337 Programming Fundamentals II
COSC 1436 Programming Fundamentals I
COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals II
COSC 2325 Computer Organization
COSC 2425 Computer Organization
COSC 2436 Programming Fundamentals III
CRIJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRIJ 1306 Court Systems & Practices
CRIJ 1310 Fundamentals of Criminal Law
CRIJ 2313 Correctional Systems & Practices
CRIJ 2328 Police Systems & Practices
DANC 1305 World Dance
DRAM 1310 Introduction to Theatre
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
EDUC 1100 Learning Frameworks
EDUC 1200 Learning Frameworks
EDUC 1300 Learning Frameworks
EDUC 1301 Introduction to Teaching Profession
EDUC 2301 Introduction to Special Populations
ENGL 1301 Composition I
ENGL 1302 Composition II
ENGL 2311 Technical & Business Writing
ENGL 2321 British Literature (single-semester)
ENGL 2322 British Literature I
ENGL 2323 British Literature II
ENGL 2326 American Literature (single-semester)
ENGL 2327 American Literature I
ENGL 2328 American Literature II
ENGL 2331 World Literature (single-semester)
ENGL 2332 World Literature I
ENGL 2333 World Literature II
ENGL 2351 Mexican American Literature
ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering
ENGR 1304 Engineering Graphics I
ENGR 2301 Engineering Mechanics - Statics
ENGR 2302 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics
ENGR 2304 Programming for Engineers
ENGR 2305 Electrical Circuits I (Lecture)
ENGR 2332 Mechanics of Materials
ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I (Lecture + Lab)
ENGT 2307 Engineering Materials I
ENGT 2310 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes
ENVR 1101 Environmental Science I (Lab)
ENVR 1301 Environmental Science I (Lecture)
ENVR 1401 Environmental Science I (Lecture + Lab)
FREN 1411 Beginning French I
FREN 1412 Beginning French II
FREN 2311 Intermediate French I
FREN 2312 Intermediate French II
GEOG 1301 Physical Geography
GEOG 1302 Human Geography
GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography
GEOL 1101 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I (Lab)
GEOL 1102 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors II (Lab)
GEOL 1301 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I (Lecture)
GEOL 1302 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors II (Lecture)
GEOL 1303 Physical Geology (Lecture)
GEOL 1304 Historical Geology (Lecture)
GEOL 1403 Physical Geology (Lecture + Lab)
GEOL 1404 Historical Geology (Lecture + Lab)
GERM 1411 Beginning German I
GERM 1412 Beginning German II
GERM 2311 Intermediate German I
GERM 2312 Intermediate German II
GOVT 2304 Introduction to Political Science
GOVT 2305 Federal Government
GOVT 2306 Texas Government
HECO 1322 Nutrition & Diet Therapy
HIST 1301 United States History I
HIST 1302 United States History II
HIST 2301 Texas History
HIST 2311 Western Civilization I
HIST 2312 Western Civilization
HIST 2321 World Civilizations I
HIST 2322 World Civilizations II
HIST 2327 Mexican American History I
HIST 2328 Mexican American History II
HIST 2381 African-American History
HUMA 1301 Introduction to Humanities I
HUMA 1302 Introduction to Humanities II
HUMA 1305 Introduction to Mexican American Studies
HUMA 1315 Fine Arts Appreciation
JAPN 2311 Intermediate Japanese I
JAPN 2312 Intermediate Japanese II
LATI 2311 Intermediate Latin I
LATI 2312 Intermediate Latin II
MATH 1314 College Algebra
MATH 1414 College Algebra
MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences
MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods
MATH 1350 Mathematics for Teachers I
MATH 1351 Mathematics for Teachers II
MATH 2305 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 2313 Calculus I
MATH 2314 Calculus II
MATH 2318 Linear Algebra
MATH 2320 Differential Equations
MATH 2413 Calculus I
MATH 2414 Calculus II
MATH 2415 Calculus III
MUSI 1116 Sight Singing & Ear Training I
MUSI 1117 Sight Singing & Ear Training II
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I
MUSI 1182 Piano Class II
MUSI 1303 Fundamentals of Music
MUSI 1307 Music Literature
MUSI 1310 American Music
MUSI 1311 Music Theory I
MUSI 1312 Music Theory II
MUSI 2116 Sight Singing & Ear Training III
MUSI 2117 Sight Singing & Ear Training IV
MUSI 2182 Piano Class IV
MUSI 2311 Music Theory III
MUSI 2312 Music Theory IV
PHED 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology
PHED 1306 First Aid
PHED 1338 Concepts of Physical Fitness
PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1304 Introduction to World Religions
PHIL 2303 Introduction to Formal Logic
PHIL 2306 Introductions to Ethics
PHIL 2307 Introduction to Social & Political Philosophy
PHIL 2321 Philosophy of Religion
PHYS 1103 Stars and Galaxies (Lab)
PHYS 1104 Solar System (Lab)
PHYS 1303 Stars and Galaxies (Lecture)
PHYS 1304 Solar System (Lecture)
PHYS 1401 College Physics I (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1402 College Physics II (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1403 Stars and Galaxies (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1404 Solar System (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1405 Elementary Physics I (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1407 Elementary Physics II (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 1415 Physical Science I (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 2325 University Physics I
PHYS 2326 University Physics II
PHYS 2425 University Physics I (Lecture + Lab)
PHYS 2426 University Physics II (Lecture + Lab)
PSYC 1300 Learning Framework
PSYC 2301 General Psychology
PSYC 2308 Child Psychology
PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth & Development
PSYC 2315 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 2316 Psychology of Personality
PSYC 2317 Statistical Methods in Psychology
PSYC 2319 Social Psychology
PSYC 2320 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 2330 Biological Psychology
RUSS 1411 Beginning Russian I
RUSS 1412 Beginning Russian II
RUSS 2311 Intermediate Russian I
RUSS 2312 Intermediate Russian II
SGNL 1401 Beginning American Sign Language I
SGNL 1402 Beginning American Sign Language II
SGNL 2301 Intermediate American Sign Language I
SGNL 2302 Intermediate American Sign Language II
SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 1306 Social Problems
SOCI 2301 Marriage & the Family
SOCI 2319 Minority Studies
SOCI 2336 Criminology
SOCW 2361 Introduction to Social Work
SOCW 2362 Social Welfare: Legislation, Programs, and Services
SOCW 2389 Academic Cooperative
SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 1412 Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2313 Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers I
SPAN 2315 Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers II
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking
SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication
SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication
TECA 1303 Families, School, & Community
TECA 1354 Child Growth & Development