Military Transcripts and Credit Evaluation

A&M–Central Texas awards evaluated credit for military education and learning experiences at the request of the student. An evaluated educational plan will be provided within 60 days after admission and the receipt of all official transcripts (including the Joint Services Transcript or Community College of the Air Force Transcript). The military credit evaluation process is initiated at the time the university receives the Joint Services Transcript or Community College of the Air Force Transcript. 

Military Service Credit 

An institution of higher education shall award to an undergraduate student who is admitted to the institution, including a student who is readmitted under Texas Education Code § 51.3042, course credit for all physical education courses required by the institution and for additional semester credit hours, not to exceed 12, that may be applied to satisfy any elective course requirements for the student’s degree program for courses outside the student’s major or minor if the student:

  • graduated from a public or private high school accredited by a generally recognized accrediting organization or from a high school operated by the U.S. Department of Defense, and
  • received an honorable discharge as a former member of the armed forces of the United States, and
  • completed a minimum of two years of service in the armed services or was discharged because of a disability.

Please Note: To have credit awarded, students must provide proof of eligibility. Careful consideration should be given to the total effect of the additional course credit on degree progress and other institutional rules.

Other Military Coursework

Other military coursework may be considered for transfer credit. Evaluations will be completed after enrollment, and transfer credit is subject to approval by the student’s major department/school. Acceptable forms of documentation that may be submitted include:

  1. Joint Service Transcript (JST):  Go to the web page and send your official transcript to the Records and Admissions office at A&M–Central Texas.
  2. Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Transcript:  Go to the web page and send your official transcript to the Records and Admissions office at A&M–Central Texas.

The university uses the American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines in the evaluation of these transcripts. Military students may also be awarded credit for specified levels of achievement on certain Credit By Examinations, which are typically taken during or shortly after time served in the military. Credit awarded for military education or experience may not be used for admission purposes. A&MCentral Texas grants credit for the lower- and upper-division baccalaureate category but does not award credit for vocational or graduate-level work. Students with technical credit based on military experience may only apply such credits to the Bachelor of Arts and Applied Science (B.A.A.S.) degree options.