B.S. Education


Teacher Education, one of the major programs at A&M–Central Texas, emphasizes broad general education as a foundation for mastery of teaching skills and specialized knowledge in an academic discipline. The primary purpose of teacher education is to prepare highly qualified teachers for employment in Texas and the nation. The goal of the Educator Preparation Program is to develop teachers who:

  1. Possess appropriate knowledge and abilities in specific content areas or teaching fields.
  2. Communicate effectively with students, parents, and other professionals.
  3. Apply the principles of instructional planning in the development of curriculum.
  4. Use effective teaching practices.
  5. Formally and informally evaluate student performance and use results of such assessment in the instructional decision-making process.
  6. Promote critical thinking and participatory citizenship.
  7. Are skilled in the use of instructional technology.
  8. Are proficient in mathematical skills.
  9. Operate within the legal guidelines and uphold the ethics of the teaching profession.
  10. Demonstrate concern for students’ general welfare. 
  11. Are committed to continued professional growth and development.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Achieve the necessary knowledge and skills to earn teacher certification in Texas.
  • Be employable as educators in Texas.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the disciplines studied to earn a baccalaureate degree.
  • Communicate effectively both in writing and speaking.

Acceptance into the BS in Education Major:

Students will be accepted into the Bachelor of Science in Education major when they are accepted into the university and meet application criteria required to enroll in Block I courses. Criteria include the completion of at least 54 hours required in the BS in Education degree plan. Specifically, students should have completed:

Elementary (EC-6), All Level Special Education: two ENGL courses, college algebra, US History I and II, Texas and Federal Government, and two of the three science courses with labs.

ELAR/SS (4-8), ELAR (4-8 and 7-12): four ENGL courses, college algebra, US History I and II, Texas and Federal Government, and two of the three science courses.

Middle School Mathematics (4-8)  and Middle School Social Studies (4-8): two ENGL courses, college algebra, US History I and II, Texas and Federal Government, and two of the three science courses with labs.

Admittance into the Educator Preparation Program:

Students will apply to be admitted into the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) while enrolled in EDUC 3370 during Block I. 

Entry Requirements needed in application to be admitted into the EPP include:

  • Complete an Educator Preparation Program application packet. 
  • Have a minimum 2.50 grade point average (GPA) overall or in the last 60 hours to include semester where 60th occurred.
  • See required ENGL credit hours above with grade of C or better.
  • College Algebra with a grade of C or better.
  • Completion of 54 credit hours towards the degree.
  • For EC-6, SPED, 4-8 ELAR/SS, and 7-12 ELAR concentrations, a completion of 12 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better.
  • For 4-8 Math, a completion of 15 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better.
  • Content Proficiency Assessment  with a passing score and a passing score in each subject area for EC-6.
  • Program Interview.
  • TSI complete.

Bachelor of Science Education - Elementary

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.  This program may require summer coursework.

Please note the following courses require a grade of 'C' or better:  12 credit hours of English, College Algebra, and approved Educational Psychology course and completion of 15 credit hours in the certification subject area.

First Year
First Term
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ 010)3
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ 020)3
Life and Physical Sciences (CORE REQ 030)4
EDUC 1301Introduction to the Teaching Profession (DEG REQ)3
TECA 1354Child Growth & Development (CORE REQ 080)3
or PSYC 2301 General Psychology
or PSYC 2308 Child Psychology
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
Second Term
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ 010)3
SPCH 1315Public Speaking (DEG REQ)3
or SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication
or SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication
or SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ 060)3
Biology with Lab (CORE REQ (090) and DEG REQ) 14
MATH 1350Mathematics for Teachers I (DEG REQ)3
Second Year
First Term
PHYS 1405Elementary Physics I (Lecture + Lab) (CORE REQ 030)4
or PHYS 1415 Physical Science I (Lecture + Lab)
Sophomore Literature (CORE REQ 040)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ 070)3
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ 060)3
MATH 1351Mathematics for Teachers II (DEG REQ)3
Second Term
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ 070)3
Sophomore Literature (DEG REQ)3
Creative Arts (CORE REQ 050) 23
EDUC 2301Introduction to Special Populations (DEG REQ)3
or TECA 1303 Families, School, & Community
or ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
or GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography
Third Year
First Term - Block 1 (Requires Approval)
EDUC 3370Foundations 3
READ 3311Literacy Development I3
EDUC 4320Integrated Social Studies Methods, EC-83
EDUC 3345Math Instruction for Classroom Teachers3
Second Term - Block 2
EDUC 3321Instructional Planning and Delivery3
SPED 3361Survey Exceptional Learners3
READ 4312Literacy Development II3
EDUC 3350Science Instruction for Classroom Teachers3
Summer Term - Block 3
EDUC 3105Music in the Elementary Classroom 1
EDUC 3106Health and Fitness in the Elementary Classroom 1
EDUC 3107 Art and Theater in an Elementary Classroom 1
EDUC 3371Educational Technology and Assessment 3
READ 3301Children's Literature in the Elementary Classroom3
READ 4313Analysis and Response3
Fourth Year
First Term - Block 4
EDUC 3325Foundations and Strategies for Teaching Emergent Bilinguals3
EDUC 3331Classroom Management3
EDUC 4684Field Experience6
Second Term - Block 5
EDUC 4322Advanced Differentiated Strategies for Diverse Learners 3
EDUC 4335Capstone for Educators3
EDUC 4691Clinical Teaching6
Total Credit Hours120

Excludes Nutrition


HUMA 1315 is recommended

Bachelor of Science Education - Middle School English Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan. This program may require summer coursework.

Please note the following courses require a grade of 'C' or better: 12 credit hours of English, College Algebra, and approved Educational Psychology course and completion of 15 credit hours in the certification subject area.

First Year
First Term
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ 010)3
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ 020)3
Life and Physical Sciences (CORE REQ 030)4
EDUC 1301Introduction to the Teaching Profession (DEG REQ)3
TECA 1354Child Growth & Development (COURE REQ 080)3
or PSYC 2301 General Psychology
or PSYC 2308 Child Psychology
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
Second Term
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ 010)3
SPCH 1315Public Speaking (DEG REQ)3
or SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication
or SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication
or SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ 060)3
Biology with Lab (CORE REQ 090) 14
GEOG 1301Physical Geography (DEG REQ)3
or GEOG 1302 Human Geography
Second Year
First Term
PHYS 1405Elementary Physics I (Lecture + Lab) (CORE REQ 030)4
or PHYS 1415 Physical Science I (Lecture + Lab)
Sophomore Literature (CORE REQ 040)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ 070)3
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ 060)3
HIST 2311Western Civilization I (DEG REQ)3
or HIST 2312 Western Civilization II
Second Term
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ 070)3
GEOG 1303World Regional Geography (DEG REQ)3
HIST 2301Texas History (DEG REQ)3
or HIST 3322 History of Texas
Creative Arts (CORE REQ 050) 23
ECON 2301Principles of Macroeconomics (DEG REQ)3
or ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
Third Year
First Term - Block 1 (Requires Approval)
EDUC 3370Foundations 3
ENGL 3320Advanced Grammars3
READ 3311Literacy Development I3
EDUC 4320Integrated Social Studies Methods, EC-83
Second Term - Block 2
ENGL 3330Advanced Composition3
SPED 3361Survey Exceptional Learners3
EDUC 3321Instructional Planning and Delivery3
READ 4312Literacy Development II3
Summer Term - Block 3
EDUC 3371Educational Technology and Assessment 3
READ 3301Children's Literature in the Elementary Classroom3
or READ 3331 Adolescent Literacy for the Young Adult
READ 4313Analysis and Response3
Fourth Year
First Term - Block 4
EDUC 3325Foundations and Strategies for Teaching Emergent Bilinguals3
EDUC 3331Classroom Management3
EDUC 4684Field Experience6
Second Term - Block 5
EDUC 4322Advanced Differentiated Strategies for Diverse Learners 3
EDUC 4335Capstone for Educators3
EDUC 4691Clinical Teaching6
Total Credit Hours120

Excludes Nutrition


HUMA 1315 is recommended

Bachelor of Science Education - Middle School Mathematics

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan. This program may require summer coursework.

Please note the following courses require a grade of 'C' or better: 12 credit hours of English, College Algebra, and approved Educational Psychology course and completion of 15 credit hours in the certification subject area.

First Year
First Term
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ 010)3
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ 020)3
Life and Physical Sciences (CORE REQ 030)4
EDUC 1301Introduction to the Teaching Profession (DEG REQ)3
TECA 1354Child Growth & Development (CORE REQ 080)3
or PSYC 2301 General Psychology
or PSYC 2308 Child Psychology
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
Second Term
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ 010)3
Creative Arts (CORE REQ 050) 13
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ 060)3
Biology with Lab (CORE REQ 090) 24
MATH 1350Mathematics for Teachers I (DEG REQ)3
Second Term
First Term
Sophomore Literature (CORE REQ 040)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ 070)3
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ 060)3
MATH 2412 (DEG REQ)4
MATH 1351Mathematics for Teachers II (DEG REQ)3
Second Term
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ 070)3
Sophomore Literature (DEG REQ)3
PHYS 1405Elementary Physics I (Lecture + Lab) (CORE REQ 030)4
or PHYS 1415 Physical Science I (Lecture + Lab)
MATH 2413Calculus I (DEG REQ)4
Third Year
First Term - Block 1 (Requires Approval)
SPED 3361Survey Exceptional Learners3
EDUC 3321Instructional Planning and Delivery3
EDUC 3370Foundations of Education and Teaching3
MATH 3309Algebraic Function3
MATH 4304Survey of Mathematical Ideas3
MATH 4304LSurvey of Mathematical Ideas Lab1
Second Term - Block 2
MATH 3311Probability & Statistics I3
MATH 3370An Introduction to Linear Programming3
EDUC 3371Educational Technology and Assessment 3
READ 3335Content Area Reading3
MATH 4302College Geometry3
Fourth Term
First Term - Block 3
EDUC 3331Classroom Management3
EDUC 3340Mathematics Instruction for Classroom Teachers3
MATH 3315Mathematics & Technology3
EDUC 3325Fundamentals of Bilingual and English as a Second Language Education3
EDUC 4684Field-Based Education6
Second Term - Block 4
EDUC 4335Capstone for Educators3
EDUC 4691Clinical Teaching6
Total Credit Hours120

HUMA 1315 is recommended


Excludes Nutrition

Bachelor of Science Education - All Level Special Education

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan. This program may require summer coursework.

Please note the following courses require a grade of 'C' or better: 12 credit hours of English, College Algebra, and approved Educational Psychology course and completion of 15 credit hours in the certification subject area,

First Year
First Term
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ 010)3
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ 020)3
Life and Physical Sciences (CORE REQ 030)4
EDUC 1301Introduction to the Teaching Profession (DEG REQ)3
TECA 1354Child Growth & Development (CORE REQ 080)3
or PSYC 2301 General Psychology
or PSYC 2308 Child Psychology
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
Second Term
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ 010)3
SPCH 1315Public Speaking (DEG REQ)3
or SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication
or SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication
or SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ 060)3
Biology with Lab (CORE REQ (090) and DEG REQ) 14
MATH 1350Mathematics for Teachers I (DEG REQ)3
Second Year
First Term
PHYS 1405Elementary Physics I (Lecture + Lab) (CORE REQ 030)4
or PHYS 1415 Physical Science I (Lecture + Lab)
Sophomore Literature (CORE REQ 040)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ 070)3
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ 060)3
MATH 1351Mathematics for Teachers II (DEG REQ)3
Second Term
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ 060)3
Sophomore Literature (DEG REQ)3
Creative Arts (CORE REQ 050) 23
EDUC 2301Introduction to Special Populations (DEG REQ)3
or TECA 1303 Families, School, & Community
or ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
or GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography
Third Year
First Term - Block 1 (Requires Approval)
READ 3311Literacy Development I3
EDUC 3370Foundations 3
EDUC 4320Integrated Social Studies Methods, EC-83
EDUC 3345Math Instruction for Classroom Teachers3
Second Term - Block 2
SPED 3361Survey Exceptional Learners3
EDUC 3321Instructional Planning and Delivery3
READ 4312Literacy Development II3
EDUC 3350Science Instruction for Classroom Teachers3
Summer Term - Block 3
EDUC 3105Music in the Elementary Classroom 1
EDUC 3106Health and Fitness in the Elementary Classroom 1
EDUC 3107 Art and Theater in an Elementary Classroom 1
SPED 4362Special Education Rules and Regulations for Teacher3
SPED 4365Behavioral Management for the Classroom3
READ 4313Analysis and Response3
Fourth Year
First Term - Block 4
SPED 4363Teaching Learners with Learning Disabilities3
EDUC 3331Classroom Management3
EDUC 4684Field Experience6
Second Term - Block 5
EDUC 3325Foundations and Strategies for Teaching Emergent Bilinguals3
EDUC 4335Capstone for Educators3
EDUC 4691Clinical Teaching6
Total Credit Hours120

Excludes Nutrition


HUMA 1315 is recommended

Bachelor of Science Education - English Language Arts/Reading, 7-12

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan. This program may require summer coursework.

First Year
First Term
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ 010)3
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ 020)3
EDUC 1301Introduction to the Teaching Profession (DEG REQ)3
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ 060)3
ENGL 2327American Literature I (CORE REQ (090) & DEG REQ)3
Second Term
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ 010)3
Creative Arts (CORE REQ 050) 13
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ 060)3
Life and Physical Science (CORE REQ 030)3
ENGL 2328American Literature II (CORE REQ 090)3
Second Year
First Term
TECA 1354Child Growth & Development (CORE REQ 080)3
or PSYC 2301 General Psychology
or PSYC 2308 Child Psychology
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
ENGL 2321British Literature (single-semester course) (CORE REQ 040)3
or ENGL 2322 British Literature I
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ 070)3
ENGL 2331World Literature (single-semester course) (DEG REQ)3
or ENGL 2332 World Literature I
EDUC 2301Introduction to Special Populations (DEG REQ)3
Second Term
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ 070)3
ENGL 2323British Literature II (DEG REQ)3
Life and Physical Science (CORE REQ 030)3
ENGL 2333World Literature II (DEG REQ)3
English Elective (DEG REQ)3
Third Year
First Term - Block 1 (Requires Approval)
EDUC 3370Foundations 3
ENGL 3320Advanced Grammars3
ENGL 3330Advanced Composition3
ENGL 3305Critical Analysis of Lit3
Second Term - Block 2
READ 3340Foundations of Secondary Reading and Writing3
EDUC 4337Educating Secondary Exceptional Learners3
READ 4340The English Language Arts and Reading Curriculum3
EDUC 3325Foundations and Strategies for Teaching Emergent Bilinguals3
Summer Term - Block 3
EDUC 4338Secondary Methods for the Humanities Teacher3
EDUC 3371Educational Technology and Assessment 3
READ 3331Adolescent Literacy for the Young Adult 3
Fourth Year
First Term - Block 4
EDUC 4332Classroom Management for Secondary Teachers3
EDUC 4317Assessment & Interpretation for Secondary Teachers3
EDUC 4331Curriculum & Instruction for Secondary Teachers3
EDUC 4684Field Experience6
Second Term - Block 5
EDUC 4335Capstone for Educators3
EDUC 4322Advanced Differentiated Strategies for Diverse Learners 3
EDUC 4691Clinical Teaching6
Total Credit Hours120