Payment of Fees

All the aforementioned fees must be paid by the designated date stated on a student's bill. Student account information is available through Warrior Bill Pay via Warrior Web, which features 24/7 access, E-bills, electronic refunding, online payment plan enrollment, and authorized user access. Payment due dates are also displayed in Warrior Bill Pay.

The following options are available for fee payment in fall, spring and summer semesters:

  • OPTION 1. Payment in full by the designated date.
  • OPTION 2. Payment in four installments as follows: (fall and spring only)

Installment 1: 25% of charges by designated date;

Installment 2: 25% of charges by designated date;

Installment 3: 25% of charges by designated date;

Installment 4: 25% of charges by designated date.

  • OPTION 3. Payment in three installments as follows: (summer only)

Installment 1: 34% of charges by designated date;

Installment 2: 33% of charges by designated date;

Installment 3: 33% of charges by designated date;

Each student who elects option 2 and 3 must enroll in the payment plan through Warrior Bill Pay, via Warrior Web. An installment agreement must be on file in the Business Office. Students who fail to make tuition and fee payments by the due date may be prohibited from registering for classes for succeeding semesters until the payment is made and will be assessed a $20.00 late fee per installment.  For minimesters, options 2 and 3 are not available; payment in full is due by the designated date.

Notice Concerning Check Payments

If a check accepted by the university is returned unpaid by the bank (including electronic check) on which it is drawn, the person presenting it will be required to pay a penalty of $30. If the check is not redeemed within 20 days after the date of the first notice, the student may be dropped from the rolls of the university and the check turned over to the County Attorney for collection.

Financial Obligation for Graduating Students

According to Texas Education Code 54.007 (d), all financial obligations to the university must be paid by the end of the semester.  Failure to settle all financial obligations will result in withholding a student's diploma at graduation.  Additionally, a hold will be placed on the student's account which may prohibit registration in subsequent semesters.

Chapter 54.007 (d) of the Texas Education Code states: "A student who fails to make payment prior to the end of the semester may be denied credit for the work done that semester."