Graduate Academic Honesty
A&M–Central Texas is committed to the integrity of the academic enterprise and upholds the highest standards of academic conduct. The university expects students, faculty, and staff to adhere to these standards to preserve the honor and integrity of the academic community. While academic integrity is a shared responsibility, students are expected to:
- Maintain integrity in their own academic work.
- Report incidents of academic misconduct to the instructor involved.
- Educate themselves on university academic integrity policies and expectations.
What is Academic Integrity?
Academic integrity is the foundation of scholarly work. The Center for Academic Integrity defines it as a “commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.” These values are essential to the academic excellence we strive for as a university.
Academic misconduct is any action that improperly affects a fair and honest evaluation of a student’s academic performance. Misconduct occurs when a student knowingly engages in dishonest behavior or should reasonably be aware that their actions constitute misconduct.
What is Academic Work?
Academic work includes all coursework, assignments, projects, and assessments, as well as academic activities such as course enrollment and withdrawal. All academic work at A&M–Central Texas must be completed with integrity and adhere to the university’s academic standards.
Academic Integrity Policies
For a complete listing of the Code of Academic Integrity and Student Rules, students should visit:
Academic Integrity and Student Conduct
Reporting Academic Misconduct
Academic integrity is a shared responsibility of the entire university community. Any student, faculty, or staff member can report suspected academic misconduct. Reports can be submitted at:
Report Academic Misconduct
If an allegation of misconduct is submitted by someone other than the course instructor, the instructor of record will be notified. For questions regarding reporting or interpretation of the Code of Academic Integrity, contact the Office of Student Conduct at (254) 501-5909.
Appeal Procedures
- Students who wish to appeal an outcome from a student conduct hearing must follow the appeals procedure outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
- Students who wish to appeal to a grade assigned by a faculty member must follow the grade appeal procedure of their respective college.