M.A. Teaching



Teacher Education, one of the major programs at the University, emphasizes broad general education as a foundation for mastery of teaching skills and specialized knowledge in an academic discipline. The primary purpose of teacher education is to prepare highly qualified teachers for employment in Texas and the nation. The goal of the department is to develop teachers who:

  1. possess appropriate knowledge and abilities in specific content areas or teaching fields;
  2. communicate effectively with students, parents, and other professionals;
  3. apply the principles of instructional planning in the development of curriculum;
  4. use effective teaching practices;
  5. formally and informally evaluate student performance and use results of such assessment in the instructional decision-making process;
  6. promote critical thinking and participatory citizenship;
  7. are skilled in the use of instructional technology;
  8. are proficient in mathematical skills;
  9. operate within the legal guidelines and uphold the ethics of the teaching profession;
  10. demonstrate concern for students' general welfare; and
  11. are committed to continued professional growth and development.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to earn teacher certification in Texas.
  • Design and implement high-quality instruction in a diverse setting.
  • Strengthen the profession by presenting educational research in written, oral, and visual formats.

Entry Requirements

Students will be fully admitted into the M.A. in Teaching once the following application criteria are met:

  • Successful admission to graduate school.
  • Completed Educator Preparation Program (EPP) application packet.
  • A minimum 2.50 grade point average (GPA) overall or in the last 60 hours to include semester where 60th hour occurred.
  • For Math or Science concentrations, a completion of 15 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better. For all other certifications, completion of 12 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better.
  • Content Proficiency Screening depends on previous college course work that correlates to the desired certification area. Candidates will take either:
    1. PACT  - any candidate with less than 12 SCH in certification area on degree transcripts must take and pass the PACT (Mathematics and science certification require 15 SCH).
    2. Certify Teacher - any candidate meeting SCH criteria will take Certify Teacher and must score 70% or greater (EC-6 must score 70% or greater in each subject area). See Benchmark for discount code.
  • Submit a self-recorded video responding to interview questions.

International Admissions

All applicants for Teacher Certification must demonstrate English Language Proficiency before admission.

  • Texas Administrative Code (TAC) requires English language proficiency as evidenced by completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or from a country listed in this graph.  
  • If neither of these are applicable, TAC requires the Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) with scores of 24 for speaking, 22 for listening, 22 for reading, and 21 for writing.  More information can be found here: https://www.ets.org/toefl These are the minimum score requirements and there are no exceptions.
  • Transcript translations are only accepted through these recognized foreign evaluation services

Master of Arts - Elementary Education Teacher Certification Preparation Program Requirements

EDUC 5370Techniques of Research3
READ 5370Literacy Development 13
SPED 5305Introduction to Exceptional Learners3
EDUC 5345Advanced Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners3
EDUC 5311Methods of Effective Teaching 13
EDUC 5350Assessment and Technology for Educators3
EDUC 5314Creating and Managing the Learning Environment 13
EDUC 5312Teaching Language Arts and Social Studies 13
or EDUC 5322 Teaching Mathematics and Science
Internship or Clinical Teaching
EDUC 5384Teaching Internship 13
EDUC 5385Teaching Internship II 13
EDUC 5090Education Comprehensive Examination0
Total Credit Hours30

1 Certification courses. Students must be admitted into EPP to register for these courses.

Master of Arts - Secondary Education Teacher Certification Preparation Program Requirements

EDUC 5370Techniques of Research3
SPED 5305Introduction to Exceptional Learners3
READ 5335Literacy in the Content Areas 13
EDUC 5311Methods of Effective Teaching 13
EDUC 5314Creating and Managing the Learning Environment 13
EDUC 5350Assessment and Technology for Educators3
EDUC 5345Advanced Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners3
Selected graduate content or Curriculum and Instruction Course3
Internship or Clinical Teaching
EDUC 5384Teaching Internship 13
EDUC 5385Teaching Internship II 13
EDUC 5090Education Comprehensive Examination0
Total Credit Hours30

1 Certification courses. Students must be admitted into EPP to register for these courses.

Master of Arts - Special Education Teacher Certification Preparation Program Requirements

EDUC 5370Techniques of Research3
SPED 5305Introduction to Exceptional Learners3
READ 5370Literacy Development 13
EDUC 5311Methods of Effective Teaching 13
SPED 5311Behavior Management in and out of Educational Settings 13
EDUC 5314Creating and Managing the Learning Environment3
SPED 5313Advanced Study of Learning Disabilities 13
SPED 5315Advanced Study of Developmental Disabilities 13
Internship or Clinical Teaching
EDUC 5384Teaching Internship 13
EDUC 5385Teaching Internship II 13
EDUC 5090Education Comprehensive Examination0
Total Credit Hours30

Certification courses. Students must be admitted into EPP to register for these courses.