Master of Criminal Justice


In addition to advancing the mission of A&M-Central Texas and the College of Arts and Sciences, the mission of the Master of Criminal Justice program is to prepare students for advancement in criminal justice career fields and for further graduate study. Program objectives are based on the assumption that criminal justice decision making and policy making in society require broad academic experience, innovative thinking, understanding of the theoretical foundations of the field, knowledge of appropriate research methods, and principles of administration.

Graduates are expected to be:

1. conversant with the theoretical and legal principles implicit in criminal justice administration;

2. knowledgeable about essential research contributions in the field;

3. capable of research analysis appropriate to the field; and

4. competent to assume administrative responsibilities involving decision-making in criminal justice administration.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Identify current theories and research relating to criminal justice in order to implement appropriate responses to crime.
  • Apply research methods to test theory and apply in addressing public safety concerns.
  • Manage the specialized resources (physical and personnel) available to criminal justice agencies.
  • Discuss the key concepts and evaluate the application of foundational ethical systems to criminal justice practice.

Entry Requirements

Students will be admitted into the MCJ major by the faculty once the following application criteria are met:

Successful admission to graduate school.

Master of Criminal Justice With Thesis Program Requirements

CRIJ 5300Quantitative Data Analysis I 13
CRIJ 5301Advanced Criminology 13
CRIJ 5303Race and Ethnicity3
CRIJ 5315Graduate Proseminar 23
CRIJ 5322Advanced Criminal Justice Ethics 13
CRIJ 5390Capstone 33
Emphasis Courses
CRIJ 5304Advanced Research Methods 13
CRIJ 5308Victimology3
CRIJ 5311Quantitative Data Analysis II3
CRIJ 5313Treatment in Corrections3
Thesis - Two Semesters
CRIJ 5198Criminal Justice Thesis3
CRIJ 5198Criminal Justice Thesis3
Total Credit Hours36

These courses assume upper-level, undergraduate competency in applied statistics, criminology, research methods, and ethics.  Lack of competency in any of these areas may require completing undergraduate coursework to satisfy competency.


Course should be taken within first 2 semesters in program.


B or better required for successful completion of program.

Master of Criminal Justice Without Thesis Program Requirements

CRIJ 5300Quantitative Data Analysis I 13
CRIJ 5301Advanced Criminology 13
CRIJ 5303Race and Ethnicity3
CRIJ 5315Graduate Proseminar 23
CRIJ 5322Advanced Criminal Justice Ethics 13
CRIJ 5390Capstone 33
Emphasis Courses
CRIJ 5306Program Evaluation3
CRIJ 5321Leadership and Supervision3
HLS 5325Emergency Management3
Choose three of the following9
Advanced Research Methods
Special Topics in Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Administration
Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems
Current Issues in Criminal Justice
Juvenile Justice Administration
Total Credit Hours36

These courses assume upper-level, undergraduate competency in applied statistics, criminology, research methods, and ethics.  Lack of competency in any of these areas may require completing undergraduate coursework to satisfy competency.


Course should be taken within first two semesters in program.


B or better required to successfully complete program.