M.S. Applied Psychology



The Master of Science in Applied Psychology program strives to advance psychological science through teaching, research and service. Students will engage in experiences that develop psychology-specific knowledge, data analysis skills, professional writing abilities, and critical thinking abilities. Students will be challenged to integrate psychological theory with research in applications that serve others as citizens of a globally connected community.

Students who graduate with the Applied Psychology degree are prepared for entrance into doctoral programs and psychology-related fields. Students who do not pursue doctoral work find careers in a variety of fields that require data-driven decision making, as well as advancement in their current career or role.

This program is research-based, and students are required to complete a quantitative thesis research project with faculty mentorship.


The student will be able to:

  • Compute, interpret, and present descriptive and/or inferential statistical analysis of data.
  • Write summaries of existing research, addressing all sections of APA style manuscripts.
  • Identify, summarize, and integrate relevant theories and research in content areas of specialization.
  • Analyze the limitations of existing research and/or data, articulate gaps in knowledge, and write a logical argument to justify position or project.
  • Write hypotheses for research or learning outcomes for applied projects that are directly supported by existing theory, research, and/or organizational data.
  • Develop and design a novel project supported by existing theory, research, and/or data to address a problem, issue, or gap in knowledge.
  • Integrate project results with existing theory, research, and/or data in an area to draw evidence-based conclusions and recommendations.

Entry Requirements

Students will be admitted into the M.S. Applied Psychology program by the faculty once the following application criteria are met:

  • Bachelor’s degree from a fully accredited institution.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5 in last 60 hours to include semester where the 60th hour occurred inclusive of graduate and/or undergraduate coursework.
  • Submission to and acceptance of admission materials by the Graduate School.
  • Program entry standards met.

Admission Materials

  • Department Application: The "Programs of the Counseling & Psychology Department Application" must be completed online.
  • Personal Statement: An essay describing why the applicant wants to pursue a career in psychology and how the degree will help him/her achieve professional and/or personal goals is required. The essay should include a description of how the applicant plans to use the degree to advance his or her career, the type of profession the applicant plans to enter, the applicant's strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to graduate-level study with an explanation of how the applicant plans to overcome the weaknesses described, and any other qualities which speak to the applicant's interest in and potential to succeed in the Applied Psychology Program. The essay should be no less than 400 words and no more than 600 words. The essay must be typed and double-spaced.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation: Two letters of recommendation explaining the applicant's academic, professional, and/or research abilities are required. These letters should address the applicant's ability to meet graduate-level academic challenges and to work in a psychology-related profession. Each letter should include an explanation of the author’s relationship with the applicant, evidence of the applicant's relevant competencies, aptitudes, and experiences, and an overall recommendation (e.g., recommend most highly, strongly recommend, recommend, recommend with some reservations, or do not recommend). 
  • Resume/CV: A résumé or curriculum vitae summarizing the applicant’s education and work experiences should be submitted with the materials.

Master of Science - Applied Psychology with Educational Psychology/Teaching Emphasis

PSYC 5300Behavioral Statistics3
PSYC 5301Research Methods3
PSYC 5302Social Psychological Processes3
PSYC 5303Theories of Learning3
PSYC 5304Human Development3
PSYC 5306Applied Psychology3
PSYC 5320History and Systems3
PSYC 5198Psychology Thesis6
PSYC 5305Research-Based Teaching and Learning3
PSYC 5315Physiological Psychology3
PSYC 5317Instructional Design and Assessment of Student Learning3
Total Credit Hours36

Master of Science - Applied Psychology with Experimental Psychology Emphasis

PSYC 5300Behavioral Statistics3
PSYC 5301Research Methods3
PSYC 5302Social Psychological Processes3
PSYC 5303Theories of Learning3
PSYC 5304Human Development3
PSYC 5306Applied Psychology3
PSYC 5320History and Systems3
PSYC 5198Psychology Thesis6
PSYC 5305Research-Based Teaching and Learning3
PSYC 5315Physiological Psychology3
PSYC 5316Advanced Quantitative Methods and Experimental Design3
Total Credit Hours36

Master of Science - Applied Psychology with Industrial/Organizational Psychology Emphasis  

PSYC 5300Behavioral Statistics3
PSYC 5301Research Methods3
PSYC 5302Social Psychological Processes3
PSYC 5303Theories of Learning3
PSYC 5304Human Development3
PSYC 5306Applied Psychology3
PSYC 5320History and Systems3
PSYC 5198Psychology Thesis6
COUN 5351Career Counseling and Guidance3
HRM 5303Employee Learning and Development for Competitive Advantage3
MGMT 5301Organizational Behavior3
Total Credit Hours36

Master of Science - Applied Psychology with Institutional Research Emphasis

PSYC 5300Behavioral Statistics3
PSYC 5301Research Methods3
PSYC 5302Social Psychological Processes3
PSYC 5303Theories of Learning3
PSYC 5304Human Development3
PSYC 5306Applied Psychology3
PSYC 5320History and Systems3
PSYC 5198Psychology Thesis6
HIED 5312Organization and Administration of Higher Education3
PSYC 5316Advanced Quantitative Methods and Experimental Design3
PSYC 5317Instructional Design and Assessment of Student Learning3
Total Credit Hours36