M.S. Homeland Security



Homeland Security is the study of US efforts to prevent terrorist attacks, to reduce damages that may result from such attacks, and to respond to national emergencies not tied to terrorist activities. A number of government agencies and organizations coordinate efforts in accomplishing these tasks. The academic study of Homeland Security draws on a number of disciplines at A&M-Central Texas, including computer information systems, criminal justice, management, political science, and religious studies.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Describe, analyze, and critique terrorism and its activities, goals and motivations, organizational structure and tactics.
  • Discuss and critique counterterrorism concepts, tactics, organizational structure, goals and motivation.
  • Discuss and critique threats to electronic information systems and ways to prevent or mitigate such threats.
  • Apply basic management skills in planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and decision-making within the context of public agencies.
  • Apply concepts and techniques of research to the activities of terrorism or Homeland Security.

Entry Requirements

Students will be admitted into the MS Homeland Security major by the faculty once the following application criteria are met:

  • Successful admission to graduate school.

Master of Science Homeland Security - With Thesis Program Requirements

CRIJ 5300Quantitative Data Analysis I3
HLS 5304Advanced Research Methods 13
HLS 5307Homeland Security3
HLS 5309International Terrorism3
HLS 5310Domestic Extremism3
CRIJ 5311Quantitative Data Analysis II3
HLS 5315Graduate Proseminar3
HLS 5390Capstone 23
Electives-choose two6
Religious Terrorism
Emergency Management
Conflict Studies
Peace Studies
Civil Wars
International Relations of the Middle East
Special Topics in Homeland Security
Thesis two semesters
HLS 5198Homeland Security Thesis3
HLS 5198Homeland Security Thesis3
Total Credit Hours36

These courses assume upper-level, undergraduate competency in applied statistics, criminology, research methods, and ethics.  Lack of competency in any of these areas may require completing undergraduate coursework to satisfy competency.


B or better required for successful degree completion.

Master of Science Homeland Security - Without Thesis Program Requirements

HLS 5315Graduate Proseminar3
CRIJ 5300Quantitative Data Analysis I3
CRIJ 5306Program Evaluation3
HLS 5307Homeland Security3
HLS 5309International Terrorism3
HLS 5310Domestic Extremism3
HLS 5325Emergency Management3
HLS 5390Capstone 13
Choose four of the following12
Foundations of Information Security
Emerging Threats
International Crime and Security
Exploring Critical Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
Cyberthreat Mitigation
Enterprise Cybersecurity Management
Network and Systems Security
Digital Forensics
Religious Terrorism
Conflict Studies
Peace Studies
Civil Wars
International Relations of the Middle East
Special Topics in Homeland Security
Total Credit Hours36

B or better is required for program completion.