B.A.A.S. Information Technology



The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) Information Technology is generally a transfer pathway for students with an Associate of Applied Science degree. Students may complete the program by obtaining credit for the relevant program coursework, up to 36 hours, for certifications, non-academic training in the field, and industry training. 

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate proficiency in written communications on technical subjects appropriate to the discipline.
  • Recognize a reasoned resolution to an ethical challenge in computing context
  • Design appropriate computing solutions to business problems
  • Apply knowledge to address the IT security needs of an organization
  • Demonstrate knowledge proficiency in the area of concentration: Networking Management, Software Engineering Database Design, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics​

Program Requirements

The program allows students to apply up to 36 semester credit hours of related technical, vocational, or military education and training as the foundation of their occupational specialization in the degree program. To qualify for the program, a minimum of 12 semester credit hours (technical/vocational/military courses) in an occupational specialization area (OSA) is required to qualify for the program. Academic coursework may be taken to meet the 36 semester credit hour requirement, but coursework must be directly related to the area of specialization or business.

Occupational Specialization

Military Education

All military evaluated credit, based on ACE recommendations, designated as lower level (L), or 1000-2999 level, will be accepted to fulfill the 36 semester credit hours of occupational specialization. However, the student must meet the initial 12 hours qualification requirement with American Council on Education (ACE) recommended credit from military courses. These are identified in the service transcripts by a designated regulation number. Once the service member meets the minimum 12 hours, relevant lower level ACE recommended military occupational specialty (MOS) credits may be then applied to meet the final 24 hours in the occupational specialization area. In the military transcripts, credits are awarded for the ‘same’ skills multiple times. However, the awarding of credit is at different skill levels. Only the ACE credit at the higher skill level will be accepted for credit in the BAAS-BUSI Occupational Specialization Area. See the Coordinator, Military Services if there are questions concerning skill levels.

Technical/Vocational (non-conferred degree/non-certificate and non-military)

A student that does not have a conferred AAS or CC may apply technical or vocational credit earned at an accredited college to the OSA. The applied credit must comprise an emphasis in a particular discipline (minimum 12 semester credit hours). The student will then be responsible to complete the remaining 24 semester credit hours, either with other relevant technical or vocational credit, military education, training, or academic credit, as previously prescribed.


A student may have participated in work-related training outside of the academic or military education environment. Acceptable training must be related to the student’s technical or vocational emphasis. Students must provide verified evidence of training, which include the number of contact hours. Verification includes transcripts provided by the trainer or training institution or certification of training by the student’s supervisor at the time of the training. Additionally, certificates of completion should be provided with a supervisor’s certification.

College of Business Administration’s academic advisors may recommend semester credit hours based on the number of contact hours. Contact hour conversion to semester credit hour: 15 contact hours = 1 semester credit hour (i.e. 45 contact hours = 3 semester credit hours).

Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences - Information Technology Data Analytics Concentration Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.

First Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Second Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ Mathematics (020)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Social and Behavioral Sciences (080)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
Third Year
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Component Area Option (090)3
CORE REQ Language, Philosophy, and Culture (040)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
COSC 1320C Programming I (CORE REQ (090))3
or COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I
or CIS 3330 C++ Programming
or CIS 3331 Visual Basic Programming
or CIS 3332 Java Programming
CIS 3302Introduction to Business Analytics3
CIS 3306Data Visualization3
CIS 4341Information Technology Security and Risk Management3
BUSI 3311Business Statistics3
CIS 3347Data Communications and Infrastructure3
CIS 3360Ethics in Computing3
Fourth Year
CIS 4350Management Information Systems3
CIS 4302Web & Social Analytics3
CIS 3365System Analysis and Design3
CIS 4301Database Theory and Practices3
CIS 4352Structured Query Language3
CIS 4303Data Mining3
CIS 4360Strategic Information Systems3
Upper-Level CIS Elective3
CIS 4090Computer Information Systems Capstone Assessment0
Total Credit Hours120

For the Occupational/Technical Specialization credits, students must have a minimum of 12 semester credit hours consisting of technical, occupational, and military training and many include academic electives to complete the maximum allowable 36 semester credit hours. 

Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences - Information Technology Cybersecurity Concentration Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.

First Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Second Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ Mathematics (020)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Social and Behavioral Sciences (080)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
Third Year
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Component Area Option (090)3
CORE REQ Language, Philosophy, and Culture (040)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
COSC 1320C Programming I (CORE REQ (090))3
or COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I
or CIS 3330 C++ Programming
or CIS 3331 Visual Basic Programming
or CIS 3332 Java Programming
CIS 4341Information Technology Security and Risk Management3
BUSI 3311Business Statistics3
CIS 3347Data Communications and Infrastructure3
CIS 3360Ethics in Computing3
CIS 4350Management Information Systems3
CIS 3361Introduction to Computer Forensics3
CIS 4342Computer Security Principles and Practices3
Fourth Year
CIS 3365System Analysis and Design3
CIS 4301Database Theory and Practices3
CIS 4345Network and Systems Security3
CIS 4346Applied Security3
CIS 4360Strategic Information Systems3
CIS 4348Security Trends and Malware Analysis3
Upper-Level CIS Elective3
CIS 4090Computer Information Systems Capstone Assessment0
Total Credit Hours120

For the Occupational/Technical Specialization credits, students must have a minimum of 12 semester credit hours consisting of technical, occupational, and military training and many include academic electives to complete the maximum allowable 36 semester credit hours. 

Bachelor of Arts Applied and Science - Information Technology Management and Networking Concentration Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.

First Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Second Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ Mathematics (020)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Social and Behavioral Sciences (080)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
Third Year
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Component Area Option (090)3
CORE REQ Language, Philosophy, and Culture (040)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
COSC 1320C Programming I (CORE REQ (090))3
or COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I
or CIS 3330 C++ Programming
or CIS 3331 Visual Basic Programming
or CIS 3332 Java Programming
BUSI 3311Business Statistics3
CIS 3347Data Communications and Infrastructure3
CIS 3360Ethics in Computing3
CIS 3305Operating Systems Theory and Practice3
CIS 4350Management Information Systems3
Fourth Year
CIS 3365System Analysis and Design3
CIS 4301Database Theory and Practices3
CIS 4341Information Technology Security and Risk Management3
CIS 4335UNIX Systems Administration 3
CIS 4376Network Administration3
CIS 4360Strategic Information Systems3
CIS 4345Network and Systems Security3
CIS 4378Comprehensive Networking3
Upper-Level CIS Elective3
CIS 4090Computer Information Systems Capstone Assessment0
Total Credit Hours120

For the Occupational/Technical Specialization credits, students must have a minimum of 12 semester credit hours consisting of technical, occupational, and military training and many include academic electives to complete the maximum allowable 36 semester credit hours. 

Bachelor of Arts Applied and Science - Information Technology Software and Database Design Concentration Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

First Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Second Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ Mathematics (020)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Social and Behavioral Sciences (080)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
Third Year
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Component Area Option (090)3
CORE REQ Language, Philosophy, and Culture (040)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
COSC 1320C Programming I (CORE REQ (090))3
or COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I
or CIS 3330 C++ Programming
or CIS 3331 Visual Basic Programming
or CIS 3332 Java Programming
BUSI 3311Business Statistics3
CIS 3347Data Communications and Infrastructure3
CIS 3340Advanced C++ Programming3
or CIS 3341 Advanced Visual Basic Programming
or CIS 3342 Advanced Java Programming
or CIS 3343 C# Programming for Windows and the Web
CIS 3360Ethics in Computing3
Fourth Year
CIS 3365System Analysis and Design3
CIS 4301Database Theory and Practices3
CIS 4341Information Technology Security and Risk Management3
CIS 4350Management Information Systems3
CIS 3351Data Structures3
CIS 4360Strategic Information Systems3
CIS 4340Algorithm Design and Analysis3
CIS 4352Structured Query Language3
CIS 4379Software Engineering for E-Business3
Upper-Level CIS Elective3
CIS 4090Computer Information Systems Capstone Assessment0
Total Credit Hours120

For the Occupational/Technical Specialization credits, students must have a minimum of 12 semester credit hours consisting of technical, occupational, and military training and many include academic electives to complete the maximum allowable 36 semester credit hours. 

Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences - Information Technology Without Concentration Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.

First Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
Second Year
Occupational/Technical Specialization 13
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ Mathematics (020)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Social and Behavioral Sciences (080)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
Third Year
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Component Area Option (090)3
CORE REQ Language, Philosophy, and Culture (040)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
COSC 1320C Programming I (CORE REQ (090))3
or COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I
or CIS 3330 C++ Programming
or CIS 3331 Visual Basic Programming
or CIS 3332 Java Programming
BUSI 3311Business Statistics3
CIS 3347Data Communications and Infrastructure3
CIS 3360Ethics in Computing3
CIS 4350Management Information Systems3
Fourth Year
CIS 3365System Analysis and Design3
CIS 4301Database Theory and Practices3
CIS 4341Information Technology Security and Risk Management3
Upper-Level CIS Electives3
Upper-Level CIS Electives3
CIS 4360Strategic Information Systems3
Upper-Level CIS or COBA Electives 23
Upper-Level CIS or COBA Elective 23
Upper-Level CIS or COBA Electives 23
Upper-Level CIS Electives3
CIS 4090Computer Information Systems Capstone Assessment0
Total Credit Hours120

 For the Occupational/Technical Specialization credits, students must have a minimum of 12 semester credit hours consisting of technical, occupational, and military training and many include academic electives to complete the maximum allowable 36 semester credit hours. 


Please see your advisor for information on recommended micro-credential course offerings.