B.A. English



The English program prepares students to enter many diverse professional fields. English majors develop solid writing skills, communication, and research skills that can be applied to graduate studies, teaching, or a career in public or private sectors. Our program teaches students how to think critically and creatively from a variety of perspectives. The kinds of critical thinking strategies our faculty teach to students serve to cultivate the “human” in the "humanities” through the development of soft skills such as: ethical and personal responsibility, collaboration, and interpersonal communication.

As an English major, you can expect to develop as a writer and critical empathetic thinker. You will learn how to analyze language and literature and to discuss how these ways of seeing shape our cultures and identities. Equipped with these skills, our graduates develop into lifelong learners that possess the ability to problem solve, synthesize information, and engage in complex conversations. These skills are valuable to employers in an increasingly diverse workforce including the sectors of pre-law and legal work, secondary and higher education, marketing and public relations, and copyediting and publishing, among others.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Perform critical reading and analysis.
  • Engage in scholarly research.
  • Create effective composition for varied audiences.
Students interested in completing the B.A. English with the Secondary Education Minor must apply and receive separate admission to the Educator Preparation Program.
Entry Requirements:

*Successful University Admission
*Completed EPP application
*Minimum 2.50 GPA overall or in the last 60 hours
*Completion of 54 SCH towards degree
*For 7-12 Math or Science concentrations, a completion of 15 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better.
*For Music or 7-12 ELAR, Social Studies or History concentrations, a completion of 12 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better.
*Content Proficiency Assessment with a passing score
*Interview with the EPP (may be virtual or recorded video)
*TSI complete

Bachelor of Arts - English Major Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

First Year
CORE REQ Communications (010) 23
Core REQ Mathematics (020)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Sciences (030)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
LANG 1311Foreign Language I (DEG REQ) 13
CORE REQ Communications (010) 23
CORE REQ Life and Physical Sciences (030)3
CORE REQ Social and Behavioral Sciences (080)3
LANG 1312Foreign Language II (DEG REQ) 13
Any Level Elective 23
Second Year
CORE REQ Language, Philosophy, and Culture (040)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
CORE REQ Component Area Option (090) 23
LANG 2311Intermediate Language I (or Upper-Level Linguistics Course) 13
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070)3
CORE REQ Component Area Option (090) 23
LANG 2312Intermediate Language II (or Upper-Level Linguistics Course) 13
Any Level Elective 23
Third Year
ENGL 3305Critical Analysis of Lit3
ENGL 3330Advanced Composition3
Upper-Level Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level Elective3
Fourth Year
ENGL 4311History of Rhetoric3
or ENGL 4310 Rhetoric in Democracy
or ENGL 4312 Rhetorical Criticism
or ENGL 4313 Visual Rhetoric
or ENGL 4314 Multicultural Rhetorics
or ENGL 4315 Digital Rhetoric
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level Elective3
Upper-Level Elective3
Any Level Elective 23
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level Elective3
Any Level Elective 23
Any Level Elective 23
Any Level Elective 23
Total Credit Hours120

12 hours of a Foreign Language or 12 hours of any combination of upper-level Linguistics or Foreign Language courses.


Lower Level Electives, Any Level Electives, Component Area Options, or Degree Requirements (DEG REQ) may consist of the FOS courses: ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302, two of the following: ENGL 2321, ENGL 2322, ENGL2323, ENGL 2326, ENGL 2327, ENGL 2328, ENGL 2331, ENGL 2332, ENGL 2333, ENGL 2341, ENGL 2351. 

Bachelor of Arts - English Major
With Minor in Secondary Education Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.

College of Education application for admission to program and faculty advisement is required prior to enrolling in secondary teacher certification preparation courses.*

Please note the following courses require a grade of 'C' or better: 12 credit hours of English, College Algebra, approved Educational Psychology course, and 15 credit hours in the certification subject area.

First Year
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ (010)3
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ (020)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
LANG 1311Foreign Language I (DEG REQ) 13
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ (010)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Social and Behavioral Sciences (080)3
LANG 1312Foreign Language II (DEG REQ) 13
Any Level Elective3
Second Year
CORE REQ English Literature (040)3
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ (060)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ (070)3
PSYC 2308Child Psychology (DEG REQ)3
or TECA 1354 Child Growth & Development
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
LANG 2311Intermediate Language I (DEG REQ) 13
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ (060)3
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ (070)3
LANG 2312Intermediate Language II (DEG REQ) 13
CORE REQ English Literature (090)3
Any Level Elective3
Third Year
ENGL 3305Critical Analysis of Lit3
ENGL 3330Advanced Composition3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
ENGL 4300Shakespeare3
ENGL 4311History of Rhetoric3
or ENGL 4312 Rhetorical Criticism
or ENGL 4313 Visual Rhetoric
or ENGL 4314 Multicultural Rhetorics
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Upper-Level ENGL Elective3
Fourth Year - Admission to Secondary Education Certification Required*
READ 3335Content Area Reading3
EDUC 4331Curriculum & Instruction for Secondary Teachers3
EDUC 4332Classroom Management for Secondary Teachers3
EDUC 4317Assessment & Interpretation for Secondary Teachers3
EDUC 4337Educating Secondary Exceptional Learners3
EDUC 4335Capstone for Educators3
EDUC 4691Clinical Teaching6
Total Credit Hours120

12 hours of a Foreign Language or 12 hours of any combination of upper-level Linguistics or Foreign Language courses.