Bachelor of Music


The Bachelor of Music provides student-centered, high-quality, rigorous instruction to build a complete musician in the areas of performance, musicianship, history and theory, and education. The degree offers flexibility with elective courses to pursue innovative music careers of the future. Students serve as ambassadors of music in the community and graduates are prepared for graduate study in Music and the pursuit of music careers or careers in music related fields.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Exhibit growth in solo performance skills, culminating in the ability to plan and perform a full senior recital.
  • Demonstrate skilled musicianship and teamwork as part of a performing ensemble.
  • Posses a thorough working knowledge of music history and theory.
  • Assist others in acquiring knowledge and skills in music.
  • Be proficient in current technology in music software and applications.
  • Be ambassadors of music in the community and build contacts outside of the University prior to graduation.

Bachelor of Music - Instrumental Concentration Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

First Year 2
MUSI 1181Piano Class I1
MUSI 1116Sight Singing & Ear Training I 11
MUSI 1311Music Theory I 13
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ (010)3
MUSI 1307Music Literature 13
MUSI 1071Student Recital0
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ (020)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
MUSI 1182Piano Class II1
MUSI 1117Sight Singing & Ear Training II1
MUSI 1310American Music (CORE REQ (090)3
MUSI 1312Music Theory II 13
MUSI 1071Student Recital0
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ (060)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ (070)3
SPCH 1315Public Speaking (CORE REQ (090)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
Second Year 2
MUSI 2116Sight Singing & Ear Training III 11
MUSI 2311Music Theory III 13
MUSI 1071Student Recital0
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ (010)3
HIST 2311Western Civilization I (CORE REQ (040)3
or HIST 2312 Western Civilization II
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
MUSI 2117MUSI 2117 Sight Singing & Ear Training IV (1 SCH version) 11
MUSI 2312Music Theory IV 13
MUSI 1071Student Recital0
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ (070)3
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ (060)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
Third Year
F A 3347Music History to 17503
F A 3350World Music3
MUAP 3269Private Lesson Instruction V2
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective 41
MUSI Upper Level Electives 31
F A 3349Music History from 17503
MUAP 3270Private Lesson Instruction VI2
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective 41
MUSI Upper Level Electives7
Fourth Year
MUAP 4269Private Lesson Instruction VII2
MUSI 3263Form & Analysis2
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective 41
MUSI Upper Level Electives 37
MUAP 4270Private Lesson Instruction VIII2
MUSI 4098Senior Recital0
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective 41
MUSI Upper Level Electives7
PSYC 2301General Psychology REquirement for core 0803
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
Total Credit Hours120

Lower Level Electives, Any Level Electives or Degree Requirements (DEG REQ) may consist of the FOS courses: MUSI 1311, MUSI 1312, MUSI 2311, MUSI 2312, MUSI 1116, MUSI 1117, MUSI 2116, MUSI 2117, MUSI 1307, 4 credit hours MUEN ensemble, 8 credit hours MUAP applied study.


Summer semesters may be required to meet degree requirements throughout the program. 


Upper level electives may consists of up to 6 credits of Fine Arts electives with approval of the advisor in place of MUSI upper level electives.


MUEN electives in year three and four need to be upper level.

Bachelor of Music - Vocal Concentration Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

First Year 2
MUSI 1181Piano Class I1
MUSI 1116Sight Singing & Ear Training I 11
MUSI 1311Music Theory I 13
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ (010)3
MUSI 1307Music Literature 13
MUSI 1071Student Recital0
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ (020)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
MUSI 1182Piano Class II1
MUSI 1117Sight Singing & Ear Training II1
MUSI 1310American Music (CORE REQ (090)3
MUSI 1312Music Theory II 13
MUSI 1071Student Recital0
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ (060)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ (070)3
SPCH 1315Public Speaking (CORE REQ (090)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
Second Year 2
MUSI 2116Sight Singing & Ear Training III 11
MUSI 2311Music Theory III 13
MUSI 1071Student Recital0
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ (010)3
HIST 2311Western Civilization I (CORE REQ (040)3
or HIST 2312 Western Civilization II
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
MUSI 2117MUSI 2117 Sight Singing & Ear Training IV (1 SCH version) 11
MUSI 2312Music Theory IV 13
MUSI 1071Student Recital0
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ (070)3
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ (060)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
Third Year
F A 3347Music History to 1750 (MUSI elective)3
F A 3350World Music3
MUAP 3269Private Lesson Instruction V2
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective 41
MUSI Upper Level Electives 31
F A 3349Music History from 17503
MUAP 3270Private Lesson Instruction VI2
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective 41
MUSI Upper Level Elective 36
Fourth Year
MUAP 4269Private Lesson Instruction VII2
MUSI 3263Form & Analysis2
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective 41
MUSI Upper Level Electives8
MUAP 4270Private Lesson Instruction VIII2
MUSI 4098Senior Recital0
CORE REQ Social and Behavioral Sciences (080) Must be Upper level in order to meet criteria for 45 upper level credits.3
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective 41
MUSI Upper Level Electives7
Total Credit Hours120

Lower Level Electives, Any Level Electives or Degree Requirements (DEG REQ) may consist of the FOS courses: MUSI 1311, MUSI 1312, MUSI 2311, MUSI 2312, MUSI 1116, MUSI 1117, MUSI 2116, MUSI 2117, MUSI 1307, 4 credit hours MUEN ensemble, 8 credit hours MUAP applied study.


Summer semesters may be required to meet degree requirements throughout the program. 


Upper level electives may consists of up to 6 credits of Fine Arts electives with approval of the advisor in place of MUSI upper level electives.


MUEN courses in years three and four need to be upper level.

Bachelor Of Music - Instrumental Education Minor Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) Courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.

College of Education application for admission to program and faculty advisement is required prior to enrolling in secondary teacher certification preparation courses. *

Please note the following courses require a grade of 'C' or better: 12 credit hours of English, College Algebra, approved Educational Psychology course, and 15 credit hours in the certification subject area.

This program is designed for students wanting to teach Music at all levels.

First Year 2
MUSI 1116Sight Singing & Ear Training I 11
MUSI 1311Music Theory I 13
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ (010)3
MUSI 1307Music Literature 13
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ (020)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
MUSI 1117Sight Singing & Ear Training II1
MUSI 1310American Music (CORE REQ (050)3
MUSI 1312Music Theory II 13
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ (010)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ (070)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
Second Year 2
MUSI 2116Sight Singing & Ear Training III 11
MUSI 2311Music Theory III 13
SPCH 1315Public Speaking (CORE REQ (090)3
HIST 2311Western Civilization I (CORE REQ (040)3
or HIST 2312 Western Civilization II
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
MUSI 2117MUSI 2117 Sight Singing & Ear Training IV (1 SCH version) 11
MUSI 2312Music Theory IV 13
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ (070)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ (060)3
Applied Music Electives 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
Third Year
PSYC 2301General Psychology (CORE REQ (080))3
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
MUSI 3263Form & Analysis2
F A 3347Music History to 17503
MUAP 3269Private Lesson Instruction V2
MUSI 4105Beginning Conducting1
F A 3350World Music3
MUSI 3133Woodwind Class1
MUSI 3138String Class1
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective1
MUSI 3137Percussion1
F A 3349Music History from 17503
MUSI 4207Advanced Conducting2
MUSI 3264Orchestration2
MUAP 3270Private Lesson Instruction VI2
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective1
MUSI 4098Senior Recital0
MUSI 3134Brass Class1
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ (060)3
Fourth Year - Admission to Secondary Education Certification Required*
MUED 3343Technology Application Music3
MUED 4326Elementary Music Experience3
EDUC 4332Classroom Management for Secondary Teachers3
or EDUC 3331 Classroom Management
MUED 4327Instrumental Music Methods3
or MUED 4328 Orchestra Music Methods
EDUC 4337Educating Secondary Exceptional Learners3
EDUC 4335Capstone for Educators3
EDUC 4691Clinical Teaching6
Total Credit Hours120

Lower Level Electives, Any Level Electives or Degree Requirements (DEG REQ) may consist of the FOS courses: MUSI 1311, MUSI 1312, MUSI 2311, MUSI 2312, MUSI 1116, MUSI 1117, MUSI 2116, MUSI 2117, MUSI 1307, 4 credit hours MUEN ensemble, 8 credit hours MUAP applied study.


Summer semesters may be required to meet degree requirements throughout the program. 


MUEN courses in year 3 & 4 need to be upper level.


PSYC 2301 c in addition to Psyc 3303  be used as admission into the EPP program.

Bachelor Of Music - Vocal Education Minor Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) Courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.

College of Education application for admission to program and faculty advisement is required prior to enrolling in secondary teacher certification preparation courses.*

Please note the following courses require a grade of 'C' or better: 12 credit hours of English, College Algebra, approved Educational Psychology course, and 15 credit hours in the certification subject area.

First Year 2
MUSI 1116Sight Singing & Ear Training I 11
MUSI 1311Music Theory I 13
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ (010)3
MUSI 1307Music Literature 13
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ (020)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective 11
MUSI 1117Sight Singing & Ear Training II1
MUSI 1310American Music (CORE REQ (050)3
MUSI 1312Music Theory II 13
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ (010)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ (070)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
Second Year 2
MUSI 2116Sight Singing & Ear Training III 11
MUSI 2311Music Theory III 13
SPCH 1315Public Speaking (CORE REQ (090)3
HIST 2311Western Civilization I (CORE REQ (040)3
or HIST 2312 Western Civilization II
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
Applied Music Elective 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
MUSI 2117MUSI 2117 Sight Singing & Ear Training IV (1 SCH version) 11
MUSI 2312Music Theory IV 13
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ (070)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ (060)3
Applied Music Electives 12
Music Ensembles Elective 11
Third Year
MUSI 3263Form & Analysis2
F A 3347Music History to 17503
MUSI 3137Percussion1
MUAP 3269Private Lesson Instruction V2
MUSI 4105Beginning Conducting1
F A 3350World Music3
MUSI 3161Diction for Singers (English/Italian)1
Music Ensembles Elective1
PSYC 2301General Psychology (CORE REQ (080))3
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
F A 3349Music History from 17503
MUSI 4207Advanced Conducting2
MUSI 4312Vocal Pedagogy3
MUAP 3270Private Lesson Instruction VI2
Music Ensembles Upper Level Elective1
MUSI 4098Senior Recital0
MUSI 3161Diction for Singers (French/German)1
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ (060)3
Fourth Year - Admission to Secondary Education Certification Required*
MUED 3343Technology Application Music3
MUED 4326Elementary Music Experience3
EDUC 4332Classroom Management for Secondary Teachers3
or EDUC 3331 Classroom Management
MUED 4329Secondary Choral Methods3
EDUC 4337Educating Secondary Exceptional Learners3
EDUC 4335Capstone for Educators3
EDUC 4691Clinical Teaching6
Total Credit Hours120

Lower Level Electives, Any Level Electives or Degree Requirements (DEG REQ) may consist of the FOS courses: MUSI 1311, MUSI 1312, MUSI 2311, MUSI 2312, MUSI 1116, MUSI 1117, MUSI 2116, MUSI 2117, MUSI 1307, 4 credit hours MUEN ensemble, 8 credit hours MUAP applied study.


Summer semesters may be required to meet degree requirements throughout the program. 


MUEN courses in year 3 and 4 need to be upper level.


PSYC 2301 can also be used for the Psychology requirement in order to be admitted to EPP