B.S. Nursing



The Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at A&M-Central Texas offers a nursing education to registered nurses on the baccalaureate level, in order to serve the regional community of Central Texas, including the military and their families. Our faculty will prepare you to practice in all healthcare settings, including outpatient care, hospital settings, public health and gerontology. The BSN will give you greater opportunity for career and educational mobility.

Our program is streamlined and avoids duplication of courses as well as content completed by students with an associate’s degree in nursing. The BSN program is based on The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2021) to ensure program quality.

The Nursing program is user-friendly and recognizes the demands of students balancing work with school, and can be completed in one calendar year. It is 100% online and offers opportunities for part-time or full-time study and although the program is online, students still have the opportunity to come to campus to meet with faculty as needed. Many of our classes are capped at 20 students to allow for more faculty-student interactions.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Integrate knowledge and skills in the provision of patient-centered care from liberal education base.
  • Integrate the necessary knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement and patient safety necessary to provide high quality health care.
  • Integrate best practices in scholarship for translating evidence into practice.
  • Evaluate the use of nursing informatics from multiple perspectives with nursing practice.
  • Identify means by which professional nurses affect quality of health care delivery based on political, legal, ethical, and policy issues.
  • Analyze the role of the nurse in interprofessional communication and collaboration to improve patient outcomes.
  • Utilize models and theories of clinical prevention and population health to perform nursing actions which optimize health of a target population.
  • Examine professional nursing from historical and contemporary perspectives, including the philosophy and theoretical foundations that define professional nursing practice.
  • Demonstrate reasoning at the level of a baccalaureate prepared nurse pertaining to membership in the profession, provision of patient care and advocacy through reflection and/or application.

Entry Requirements

General Education and Course Requirements

A&M-Central Texas is an upper-level university, therefore, the core curriculum/general education courses and non-nursing courses must be taken at another institution. Core curricula may also be accepted from other institutions. 

Admissions Requirements

The Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing has additional entry requirements separate from general admission to the university. To be eligible to declare Nursing as a major and begin nursing courses, students must meet the below requirements:  

Nursing Program Admission Requirements 

  • Meet minimum university admission requirements 

  • Have a current unencumbered Texas Registered Nurse’s (RN) license or of a Compact State* 

  • Have earned a grade of "C" or higher in all courses leading to a BSN degree 


*Nursing students in their last year at a community college who 1). Meet general admission standards and 2). Have earned a grade of "C" or higher in all courses leading to a BSN degree may apply for conditional admission to the BSN program. 


Application to the Nursing Program 

Nursing majors typically apply for admission to the Nursing program during the initial advising session prior to their first semester at A&M-Central Texas. The Nursing Department highly encourages Nursing majors to visit with their academic advisors to review program application timelines and requirements. Students must complete the below steps to apply for the Nursing Program.  

  • Gain admission to A&M-Central Texas 

  • Declare nursing as your major (completed during initial advising session) 

  • Submit online nursing program application 


Conditional Admission Policy 

Nursing students conditionally admitted to the Nursing Program may enroll in the NURS 3300 and NURS 3317 courses. Upon successful completion of the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and NCLEX examination, conditionally admitted students must provide proof of license to the Nursing Department to gain full program admission. Students unable to provide license or who do not pass the NCLEX exam will not be eligible to progress in the Nursing Program.     


Progression Policy 

Nursing students are provided a Student Education Plan upon admission to guide program progression. Students may progress in the program when the following conditions are met: 

  • Successful completion of required nursing and non-nursing courses with a minimum grade of C. Students who earn below a grade of C on any two courses in the nursing program will not be eligible for progression.  

  • Transfer students from other programs must complete a minimum of 30 hours from A&M-Central Texas. 

  • Maintenance of an unencumbered license to practice as a Registered Nurse in the state of Texas (or Compact State) through the duration of the program. 


Readmission Policy

  • Students who have an interruption--as defined as an inability to achieve a passing grade, withdrawal, or non-enrollment--must gain permission before taking any nursing course.
  • The Division of Student Affairs, along with the Nursing Program Director, evaluates the student’s request for readmission or to retake any nursing course.
  • The student’s general academic history, nursing course grades, and potential for success will be considered. Readmission or permission to retake any course is based on professional judgment and space availability.
  • Students who withdraw from a course or courses or receive a grade below a “C” should follow the procedure in the Progression Policy.
  • After lapse of one long semester, students wishing to return to the program

A.   Must notify the Nursing Program Director

B.   Must submit a physician’s clearance in order to return to classes if the absence was due to a health problem

C.   Must meet with a nursing faculty member prior to registering to develop a degree completion plan

D.   If the student has been out two long semesters or more, the student must also:

  1. Submit an updated Application to the Nursing Program
  2. Adhere to the most current catalog requirements
  3. Fulfill any requirements specified by the Nursing Program Director
  4. Complete the Nursing Program within five (5) calendar years from their initial enrollment

Bachelor of Science - Nursing Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.

First Year
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ 010) 13
MATH 1342Elementary Statistical Methods (CORE REQ 020) 13
BIOL 2401Anatomy and Physiology I (CORE REQ - 030) 14
CORE REQ American History - 0603
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ - 010) 13
or ENGL 2311 Technical & Business Writing
SPCH 1311Introduction to Speech Communication3
or SPCH 1315 Public Speaking
or SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication
BIOL 2402Anatomy and Physiology II (CORE REQ - 020) 14
CORE REQ American History - 0603
Second Year
SOCI 1301Introduction to Sociology3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science - 0703
BIOL 2421Microbiology for Science Majors (CORE REQ - 090)4
or BIOL 2420 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (Lecture + Lab)
PSYC 2301General Psychology ( CORE REQ 080)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science - 0703
PSYC 2314Lifespan Growth & Development (CORE REQ 090)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts-0503
CORE REQ Language, Philosophy and Culture-0403
Third Year
Transfer Nursing Courses by Validation/Articulation (Minimum of 30 hours)30
NURS 3300Professional Role Transitions3
NURS 3307Health Assessment3
NURS 3304Nursing Research3
NURS 3317Pathophysiology/Pharmacology for the Registered Nurse3
Fourth Year
NURS 4405Care of Individuals and Families4
NURS 3330Nursing Care of Older Adults3
NURS 43063
NURS 4307Community Health Nursing II3
NURS 43103
NURS 4212Professional Issues for the Registered Nurse2
One three hour Upper Level Elective course and Any Level Electives (as required to reach 120 hours)9
Total Credit Hours120

Lower Level Electives, Any Level Electives, Component Area Options, or Degree Requirements (DEG REQ) may be the FOS courses: BIOL 2421, PSYC 2301, PSYC 2314, MATH 1342, ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302 or ENGL 2311, BIOL 1322 or HECO 1322, one of the following CHEM 1405, CHEM 1406, CHEM 1407, CHEM 1411, CHEM 1412, CHEM 2423, CHEM 2425 (or the corresponding 3 credit hour lecture plus the one credit hour lab).