B.S. Political Science



As one of the liberal arts and a social science in its own right, political science critically examines the consequences of our values and behavior for local, national, and international politics. When you choose to pursue the Bachelor of Science in Political Science, you will experience a curriculum that delves deeply into political life, revealing how politics really works, examining the unsolved mysteries of the discipline, and evaluating how our values shape the choices we make. Through the development of reading, research, writing, and critical thinking skills, we prepare students for a wide range of careers requiring these skills, as well as education, public service, and graduate study. We impart the knowledge required for effective leadership roles in your chosen profession.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Understand the definitions, concepts, and theories of political science.
  • Use electronic databases for research and software to conduct formal or statistical political analysis.
  • Demonstrate appropriate style and grammar and develop the appropriate research skills.
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge in one of the major areas of political science: American politics, international/comparative politics, or political theory.
Students interested in completing the B.S. Political Science with the Secondary Education Minor must apply and receive separate admission to the Educator Preparation Program.
Entry Requirements:

*Successful University Admission
*Completed EPP application
*Minimum 2.50 GPA overall or in the last 60 hours
*Completion of 54 SCH towards degree
*For 7-12 Math or Science concentrations, a completion of 15 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better.
*For Music or 7-12 ELAR, Social Studies or History concentrations, a completion of 12 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better.
*Content Proficiency Assessment with a passing score
*Interview with the EPP (may be virtual or recorded video)
*TSI complete

Bachelor of Science - Political Science Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

First Year
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
MATH 1342Elementary Statistical Methods (CORE REQ 020) 13
or MATH 1314 College Algebra
CORE REQ Life and Physical Sciences (030)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
Any Level Elective 13
CORE REQ Language, Philosophy, and Culture (040)3
CORE REQ Life aned Physical Sciences (030)3
CORE REQ Social and Behavioral Sciences (080)3
Any Level Elective 13
Any Level Elective 13
Second Year
CORE REQ Communications (010)3
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070) 13
CORE REQ Component Area Option (090) 13
Any Level Elective 13
CORE REQ American History (060)3
CORE REQ Government/Political Science (070) 13
CORE REQ Component Area Option (090) 13
Any Level Elective 13
Any Level Elective 13
Third Year
POLI 3300Critical Thinking About Politics3
POLI 3330Understanding Social Science Research3
or SOCI 4315 Social Science Statistics
POLI 3302Elections and Political Parties3
or POLI 3303 Comparative State and Local Government
or POLI 3304 The American Presidency
or POLI 3305 US Congress and Legislative Process
or POLI 3307 Public Administration
or POLI 4302 Constitutional Law
or POLI 4380 Administration of Justice
Upper-Level Elective3
Any Level Elective3
POLI 3301Political Economy of Globalization3
or POLI 3306 Political Economy
or POLI 3308 International Politics
or POLI 4305 Comparative Government and Politics
or POLI 4316 Conflict Studies
or POLI 4317 Peace Studies
Upper-Level POLI Elective3
Upper-Level Elective3
Upper-Level Elective3
Any Level Elective3
Fourth Year
POLI 4340Political Ethics3
or POLI 4341 Freedom and Authority
Upper-Level POLI Elective3
Upper-Level Elective3
Upper-Level Elective3
Any Level Elective3
POLI 4395Political Science Capstone3
Upper-Level POLI Elective3
Upper-Level Elective3
Any Level Elective3
Any Level Elective3
Total Credit Hours120

Lower Level Electives, Any Level Electives, Component Area Options, or Degree Requirements (DEG REQ) may consist of the FOS courses: GOVT 2304, GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306, MATH 1342.

Bachelor Science - Political Science
With Minor in Secondary Education Social Studies Education Program Requirements

Refer to the General Education Core Requirements page for more information on the CORE REQ coursework. The Field of Study (FOS) courses are listed in the footnotes (if applicable). At least 120 credit hours are required for the degree.

The program listed is a general guideline for semester coursework, speak with a college advisor for an individualized student education plan.

College of Education application for admission to program and faculty advisement is required prior to enrolling in secondary teacher certification preparation courses.*

Please note the following courses require a grade of 'C' or better: 12 credit hours of English, College Algebra, approved Educational Psychology course, and 15 credit hours in the certification subject area.

First Year
ENGL 1301Composition I (CORE REQ (010)3
MATH 1314College Algebra (CORE REQ (020)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
CORE REQ Creative Arts (050)3
HIST 1301United States History I (CORE REQ (060)3
ENGL 1302Composition II (CORE REQ (010)3
CORE REQ Life and Physical Science (030)3
HIST 1302United States History II (CORE REQ (060)3
PSYC 2308Child Psychology (DEG REQ)3
or TECA 1354 Child Growth & Development
or PSYC 3303 Educational Psychology
Any Level Elective3
Second Year
HIST 2311Western Civilization I (CORE REQ (080)3
GOVT 2305Federal Government (CORE REQ (070)3
CORE REQ English Literature (0903
GEOG 1301Physical Geography (DEG REQ)3
or GEOG 1302 Human Geography
ECON 2301Principles of Macroeconomics (DEG REQ)3
HIST 2312Western Civilization II (CORE REQ (090)3
GOVT 2306Texas Government (CORE REQ (070)3
CORE REQ English Literature (0403
GEOG 1303World Regional Geography (DEG REQ)3
or EDUC 3300 Geography for Educators
ECON 2302Principles of Microeconomics (DEG REQ)3
Third Year
HIST 3322History of Texas3
or HIST 2301 Texas History
POLI 3300Critical Thinking About Politics3
POLI 3330Understanding Social Science Research3
or SOCI 4315 Social Science Statistics
POLI 4340Political Ethics3
or POLI 4341 Freedom and Authority
POLI 3301Political Economy of Globalization3
or POLI 3306 Political Economy
HIST 4382Historical Method3
HIST 4381Concepts of History Education3
POLI 3302Elections and Political Parties3
or POLI 3302 Elections and Political Parties
or POLI 3303 Comparative State and Local Government
or POLI 3304 The American Presidency
or POLI 3305 US Congress and Legislative Process
or POLI 3307 Public Administration
or POLI 4302 Constitutional Law
or POLI 4380 Administration of Justice
Upper-Level POLI Elective3
Upper-Level POLI Elective3
Upper-Level POLI Elective3
Fourth Year - Admission to Secondary Education Certification Required*
READ 3335Content Area Reading3
EDUC 4331Curriculum & Instruction for Secondary Teachers3
EDUC 4332Classroom Management for Secondary Teachers3
EDUC 4317Assessment & Interpretation for Secondary Teachers3
EDUC 4337Educating Secondary Exceptional Learners3
EDUC 4335Capstone for Educators3
EDUC 4691Clinical Teaching6
POLI 4395Political Science Capstone3
Total Credit Hours120