Undergraduate Minors

A minor is intended to support the major coursework and aid students in considering their program of study in an interdisciplinary manner. Although a minor is not required for most majors, students are encouraged to consider selecting a minor in consultation with their advisor and may select a maximum of two minors. Selecting an optional minor may require additional credit hours above the 120 hours required for all undergraduate degrees.

The Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies requires three minors for degree completion. Each minor in the BSLS degree requires 12 hours of upper-level electives and 6 hours of lower-level electives (or any level elective) from the same minor area. 

College of Arts and Sciences Minors


ANTH 3300Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 3340Biological Anthropology3
Upper-Level Anthropology Courses12
Total Credit Hours18

Aviation Science

Upper-level Aviation Science electives6
Any level Aviation Science electives12
Total Credit Hours18


BIOL 1407Biology for Science Majors II (Lecture + Lab)4
Select at least 14 hours from the following:14
Advanced Physiology
Animal Physiology
Comparative Vertebrate Zoology
Principles of Genetics
Conservation Biology
Restoration Ecology
Animal Behavior
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
Total Credit Hours18


CHEM 2423Organic Chemistry I (Lecture + Lab)4
CHEM 2425Organic Chemistry II (Lecture + Lab)4
Choose 3 from the following electives:12
Analytical Chemistry
Biochemistry I
Biochemistry II
Instrumental Analysis
Total Credit Hours20


Upper-Level Communications Electives12
Any Level Communications Electives6
Total Credit Hours18

Criminal Justice

Upper-level Criminal Justice electives6
Any level Criminal Justice electives12
Total Credit Hours18


Upper-level Drama electives18
Total Credit Hours18


Upper-English electives6
Any level English electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Environmental Studies

Choose from the following:18
Lower-level Courses Options
Environmental Science I (Lecture)
Environmental Science II (Lecture)
Environmental Science I (Lecture + Lab)
Environmental Science I (Lab)
Upper-level Courses Options 1
Ecology 2
Conservation Biology 2
Restoration Ecology 2
Environmental Crime and Justice
American Environmental History
Environmental Politics
Environmental Sociology
By permission of an environmental studies minor program director
Literary Authors
Literary Themes
Literary Period
Literary Genres
Special Topics in Sociology
Total Credit Hours18

 A minimum of 6 credit hours must be Upper-level coursework Liberal Studies majors need a minimum of 12 Upper-level credit hours. 


Course has pre-requisites. Please view course description for more details. 

Film Studies

ENGL 3335Film Studies3
Select five of the following:15
Criminal Justice and Moving Images
Literature & Film
Film History
Film Auteurs
Film Genres
Film Theory & Criticism
The Artist on Film
Hollywood Westerns and the American West
History and Film
Politics and Propaganda in Media
Media and Society
Faculty Approved Electives
Total Credit Hours18

Additional film courses may be added as they are offered. Please speak with an advisor

Fine Arts

Upper-Fine Arts elective12
Any level Fine Arts elective6
Total Credit Hours18

Forensic Investigation

Select six of the following for 18 hours:18
Techniques of Interviewing
Criminal Evidence
Forensic Science Seminar
Physical Aspects of Forensic Science
Biological Aspects of Forensic Science
Specialized Investigations: Techniques and Analysis
Human Osteology
Forensic Anthropology
Field Methods in Forensic Anthropology
Total Credit Hours18


Upper-level History electives6
Any level History electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Homeland Security

Select six of the following for 18 hours:18
Homeland Security
Criminal Justice Supervision and Management
Techniques of Interviewing
Criminal Justice Ethics
Introduction to Computer Forensics
Computer Security Principles and Practices
Advanced Investigation
Emergency Management
Terrorism and Political Violence
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Religious Terrorism
Total Credit Hours18

Language and Linguistics

Select at least 12 hours from the following courses:12
Introduction to Linguistics
Discourse Analysis
Language and Gender
History of the English Language
Select up to 6 hours from the following courses:6
Linguistic Anthropology
Rhetoric in Democracy
History of Rhetoric
Rhetorical Criticism
Visual Rhetoric
Multicultural Rhetorics
Digital Rhetoric
Politics of Language
Total Credit Hours18


Upper-level Mathematics electives6
Any level Mathematics electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Military Science 

Upper-level Military Science electives6
Any level Military Science electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Minor in Military Science is only available to ROTC cadets. 

Political Science

Upper-level Political Science electives6
Any level Political Science electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Religious Studies

Upper-Level Religious Studies courses and/or any of the following:18
Church and State
English Problems (Film and Religion)
Sociology of Religion
Religion and Politics
Total Credit Hours18


Upper-level Sociology electives6
Any level Sociology electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Social Welfare

SOWK 3300Introduction to Social Work3
SOWK 3302Social Welfare in the United States3
SOWK 3303Social Work with Diverse Populations3
SOWK 3304Human Behavior and Social Environment I3
Social Work Electives6
Total Credit Hours18

Social Work

Upper-level Social Work electives6
Any level Social Work electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Visual Arts

Upper-level ARTS electives18
Total Credit Hours18

College of Business Administration Minors


Upper-level Accounting electives6
Any level Accounting electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Business Administration

ACCT 2301Principles of Financial Accounting3
or ACCT 3300 Financial Accounting Concepts
BUSI 3311Business Statistics3
or BUSI 3332 Legal Environment of Business
or BUSI 2301 Business Law
or ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
or ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
FIN 3301Financial Management I *3
MKTG 3301Marketing3
MGMT 3350Management and Organizational Behavior3
CIS 4350Management Information Systems3
Total Credit Hours18

Computer Science

MATH 3310Discrete Mathematics3
COSC 3351Data Structures3
COSC 4301Database Theory and Practices3
COSC 4340Analysis of Algorithms3
CIS 3330C++ Programming3
or CIS 3331 Visual Basic Programming
or CIS 3332 Java Programming
CIS 3340Advanced C++ Programming3
or CIS 3341 Advanced Visual Basic Programming
or CIS 3342 Advanced Java Programming
or CIS 3343 C# Programming for Windows and the Web
Total Credit Hours18

Computer Information Systems

CIS 3303Programming Logic and Design3
CIS 3330C++ Programming3
or CIS 3331 Visual Basic Programming
or CIS 3332 Java Programming
CIS 3347Data Communications and Infrastructure3
CIS 3365System Analysis and Design3
CIS 4301Database Theory and Practices3
CIS 4350Management Information Systems3
Total Credit Hours18


Upper-level Finance electives6
Any level Finance electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Human Resource Management

BUSI 4334Employment Law3
MGMT 3302Personnel and Human Resource Management3
MGMT 4303Wage and Salary Administration3
MGMT 4304Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources3
MGMT 4305Human Resource Development3
MGMT 4306Employer and Labor Relations3
Total Credit Hours18


Upper-level Management electives6
Any level Management electives12
Total Credit Hours18

*Students seeking a BBA in Human Resource Management may not seek a Management Minor.


Upper-level Marketing electives6
Any level Marketing electives12
Total Credit Hours18

College of Education and Human Development Minors


Upper-level Psychology electives6
Any level Psychology electives12
Total Credit Hours18

Secondary Education Minor

Entry Requirements

*Successful University Admission
*Completed EPP application
*Minimum 2.50 GPA overall or in the last 60 hours
*Completion of 54 SCH towards degree
*For 7-12 Math or Science concentrations, a completion of 15 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better.
*For Music or 7-12 ELAR, Social Studies or History concentrations, a completion of 12 credit hours in the certification subject area with a grade of C or better.
*Content Proficiency Assessment with a passing score
*Interview with the EPP (may be virtual or recorded video)
*TSI complete

Upper-level approved Education certification courses18
Clinical Teaching6
Total Credit Hours24