S.S.P. School Psychology



The specialist degree in School Psychology is designed to help students achieve licensure from the State of Texas as a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP). A LSSP is responsible for providing psychological services to public school children addressing a wide range of behavioral and emotional needs.

The national equivalent to a LSSP is known as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP), an accreditation given by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Many of our graduates will seek employment in other states, and A&M-Central Texas is committed to helping our students complete all requirements to apply for the NCSP in order to practice in every state.

Class work focuses on developing skills in assessment, intervention, and consultation by preparing students to intervene in difficult situations with a positive impact. Graduates have a strong record of successful job placement with many hired in school districts throughout the region. Other graduates have continued to doctoral programs in School Psychology and related fields.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Collaborate and consult through effective written, oral, and visual means.
  • Intervene in academic skills to promote schoolwide learning.
  • Provide mental health, family-school collaborative, preventive, and responsive services.
  • Support diversity in development and learning.
  • Use research to make data-based decisions.

Entry Requirements

Students will be admitted into the Specialist in School Psychology program by the faculty once the application criteria are met. Program requirements include:

  • Successful admission to graduate school.
  • Bachelor’s degree from a fully accredited institution. 
  • Completed Counseling and Psychology Department application.
  • An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or better.
  • A degree in Psychology or a closely related field, or advanced degrees in other areas.
  • Clinical/Work/Volunteer Experience: While specific experience is not required, previous work related work experience may make the applicant more competitive.
  • Timely submission of admission materials.

SSP - Specialist School Psychology With Thesis Program Requirements

All courses applicable to the program must be attained, at least 69 hours are required for the degree.

COUN 5353Theories of Counseling3
COUN 5358Counseling Perspective on Psychopathology3
or PSYC 5358 Counseling Perspective on Psychopathology
PSYC 5300Behavioral Statistics3
PSYC 5301Research Methods3
PSYC 5304Human Development3
PSYC 5317Instructional Design and Assessment of Student Learning3
PSYC 5360Foundations of School Psychology3
PSYC 5381Assessment and Evaluation Fundamentals3
PSYC 5302Social Psychological Processes3
PSYC 5303Theories of Learning3
PSYC 5310Special Education Law3
PSYC 5311Culture, Minority and Gender Issues3
PSYC 5314Assessment Intelligence and Achievement3
PSYC 5315Physiological Psychology3
PSYC 5380Personality Social Assessment3
PSYC 5382Behavior Management and Therapy3
COUN 5357Methods and Practices in Counseling3
PSYC 5383Consultation and Supervision3
PSYC 5391Psychology Practicum I: Field Experience3
PSYC 5384Psychology Internship I3
PSYC 5385Psychology Internship II3
PSYC 5198Psychology Thesis6
Total Credit Hours69

SSP - Specialist School Psychology Without Thesis Program Requirements

COUN 5353Theories of Counseling3
PSYC 5300Behavioral Statistics3
PSYC 5301Research Methods3
PSYC 5304Human Development3
PSYC 5360Foundations of School Psychology3
PSYC 5381Assessment and Evaluation Fundamentals3
PSYC 5302Social Psychological Processes3
PSYC 5303Theories of Learning3
PSYC 5310Special Education Law3
PSYC 5391Psychology Practicum I: Field Experience3
PSYC 5311Culture, Minority and Gender Issues3
PSYC 5314Assessment Intelligence and Achievement3
PSYC 5315Physiological Psychology3
PSYC 5380Personality Social Assessment3
PSYC 5382Behavior Management and Therapy3
PSYC 5383Consultation and Supervision3
PSYC 5384Psychology Internship I3
PSYC 5385Psychology Internship II3
COUN 5357Methods and Practices in Counseling3
COUN 5358Counseling Perspective on Psychopathology3
or PSYC 5358 Counseling Perspective on Psychopathology
PSYC 5317Instructional Design and Assessment of Student Learning3
PSYC 5090Psychology Comprehensive Examination0
Total Credit Hours63